Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ON TRAVEL ~ Now Appearing @ UpTake...

Edition #27

Thirteen Things about THE BUMBLES -
and some shameless self promotion for Molly's newest project...

Molly just found a way to get paid to post about her travels and will now use this space to encourage you, dear readers, to support her efforts there


1. If you have a blog with words (as opposed to a photo blog, wise guy) then at some point you have probably dreamed of writing the next classic novel.

2. If you have a blog, more than likely you write because you love to - but really wish there was some way to get paid for doing it.

3. We do not want to turn The Bumbles Blog into a place where space is for sale.

4. So Molly found a place that was actually smart enough to know a good thing when they saw her (hard to miss with all that groveling) and agreed to pay her to write.

5. She figured if she could make a little money on the side writing about something she would likely be posting about for free anyway, that maybe Andy wouldn't mind her hogging the laptop all the time.

6. Molly is not writing the next great classic novel through this job.

7. But she gets to create the next great travel blurbs about attractions throughout New England and anywhere else the Bumbles go.

8. She also gets to show off her photos and put them to better use than being stuffed away on a memory stick, or whatever those storage thingies are called.

9. She also gets to learn more technical aspects of the digital world (instead of referring to stuff as thingies) and add WordPress to her aresnal along with Blogger.

10. She is thrilled to be part of a blog with Barbara @ Hole In The Donut and Linda @ Travels With Children who she first came across in the meme world and through them discovered UpTake.

11. The pay will just about cover the cost to visit the attractions Molly will be posting about. So expect lots of posts about cheap things to do!

12. The UpTake Attractions Blog has writers who cover places and different types of things all across the US and Canada. So you not living in New England is no excuse not to follow the blog.

13. Now be a good critic and click here to see for yourself how Molly did and let us know what you think. It's OK to be honest - Bumbles can't bite.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!


jenn said...

Very cool!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Fun happy TT

Journeywoman said...

VERY neat. I'll have to look into it! Happy TT.

Chris said...

wow, i am looking for paid writing stuff too... :) ill be checking out your links!

happy TT!

anthonynorth said...

That's great. From my experience, though, writing for payment may be something we need, but it's not as much fun as writing for pleasure.

Sandy Nawrot said...

Molly, you rock! That was a great article! I would love to figure out how to blog and make money (and not by plastering adds all over my webpage!). That would be my dream job, because you are correct, I love to write. Congrats, and I'm jealous!

Willa said...

i think paying for doing the things you love is the best job in thw world, Good for Molly, way to go!!!
by the way, I miss this blog. :)

Carmen Shirkey Collins said...

interesting idea!

Mia Celeste said...

I like your new travel site. Good job.

Susan Cook said...

Congrats. on the new gig. Good luck with it.

Thanks for sharing. Happy TT!

Paige Tyler said...

Very cool! Congratulations!


My TT is at

Janet said...

Wow, Molly, that's awesome! Good luck in your new venture :-)

Kristina Knight said...

too cool!

happy TT!

Black Cat said...

Lovely TT! How great to get paid for what you love to do. I went over and read your review. It's very interesting and informative. I want to go there!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Unfortunately my cats are all at the Bridge but live forever in my heart. I would like to take in some rescues but my house is very cluttered so I think the shelters would turn me down.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Interesting T-13 and good luck with your writing Molly.
Hugs and blessings,

An Eerie Tapestry said...

Hope you have a lot of fun doing it, Molly, I can definitely see the attraction (bad pun intended). Also glad about #3.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new gig! Hey do you have a very small mascot? It would be fun to have a Where's Waldo sort of picture with the mascot is unobtrusively in the travel photo.

You could challenge your readers to find the Bumbles Mascot every time you travel and post about it.

Of course the winner would simply win the knowledge that they have the keenest eye in the land.

Regardless, congratulations and have fun!

colleen said...

Sounds like me, after a year of blogging wanting to get paid for what I want to do anyways, which is when I approached the local newspaper editor and started writing for her. First freelance and then she started giving me assignments.

I'd love to find a similiar venue in Virginia to what Molly is doing. I'll check out the links. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Molly. What a great opportunity!

Unknown said...

Good luck to Molly! That's nice.

Thanks for stopping by my site on Wednesday when I had questions about the mystery plant in my yard. Today I’ve posted what I believe is the answer with details:

Linda said...

Glad to have you on the Uptake Attractions team!