There are a lot of ways to camp. You can really rough it by backpacking and setting up camp in the wilderness, you can pitch a tent at a campsite, or tow a camper or drive an RV. We go the middle route by car camping with tents at campgrounds. It is affordable, fun and cozy. You are also at the mercy of bugs, mother nature and public showers (if you are so lucky). But the lack of TV, internet and other lazy amusements means you have more time to bond in the evenings by playing card games, listening to music, cooking dinner and picking out constellations. Sure, we could do those things from the comfort of our home, but there is something to be said for the satisfaction that comes from setting up camp. And it is truly a super cheap way to travel.

Let me tell you. As much as I enjoy the camping experience, this luxurious bathroom is a camper's best friend after 3 days of push button showers and hair that smells like a campfire. We told you how we scored this sweet room. And when we told our camping neighbors they were really jealous. We don't get to travel this way very often because it is uber expensive and it is really hard to accept anything less once you have been spoiled. A rose on the bed, soothing music on the radio, a fireplace for the cold nights, a large flat screen TV, lounging area, a bed twice the size of our tiny tent, and that bathroom. Steamy shower or soaking jacuzzi bath? I couldn't decide so I opted for both. It takes a lot to wash campfire smoke out of your hair after all. And I wouldn't want to let that basket of spa lotions and shampoo treatments go to waste. Ahhhhh.

Lets face it. This is the way most of us stay. Right? And if you usually stay in the lap of luxury, can we be your friends? Going from high class to low rent can be a let down to your style even though your wallet is pleased. But when you are tired after a long day of conferences, driving or being a tourist, these cookie cutter rooms can feel like the best thing since sliced bread. In fact, the bed at this hotel was super comfy and it had an amenity neither of the above had to offer - free wi-fi. So you never know. A warm shower, fluffy towels, and free internet while propped up with the soft pillows watching HBO - what more could a pair of bloggers want?
Do you have a favorite way or place to stay? Or a nightmare experience? Let us know!
We love to camp (by "we", I mean my husband and I, and sometimes our son. Daughter is wholeheartedly in the luxury camp.) We cook out, we play poker, tell scary stories, and really get back in touch with each other. But if you intersperse a real bed in there somewhere (even one that isn't so hot) it seems like Shangri La. Makes you appreciate civilization!
i think i will go with the hotel chains... :)
i have an award for you Molly here
that does look like a nice place.
I'm not a camper. It doesn't have to be luxury (although I never turn it down), but a private bathroom is a necessity. If you are ever over this way -actually Niagara Falls is about 5 hours from us-we'd be happy to welcome you to Putman Place, where a comfy bed, big screen tv, and beer and wine await :)
I like my own bed! I have never found a suitable alternative!
One of our favorite vacations was alternating between camping and B&Bs. Best of both worlds.
We have a truck camper and love to take it on beach trips. In Ireland we used B&B's which were all over and hostels which were cheap.
I hope you do look up Josh when you go to Asheville. He's in the Wedge building in River Arts District.
One blogger recognized Josh at a dance from a picture she had seen of him on my blog. It was the hat.
I'm a life-long camper and will choose it every time. On the other hand, I agree with you on the need to get the campfire smell out of my hair. I appreciate the simple luxury of a good shower.
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