Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about School...
September is drawing to a close and that means that lots of Moms & Dads out there are rejoicing that the school system is taking their children in during the week to educate their minds and give the parents a breather. There are lots of college students back in the full swing of course work, research and all nighters. And then there are us Bumbles who have no little ones to send off to school and are far removed from our own school days. So instead, we think of movies that portray various levels of schooling and themes surrounding them. Here are some that we've enjoyed. Share on your blog movies touching upon the world of education and then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
Old School (2003) - Utter ridiculousness from Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, et al about grown-ups not being able to let go of college livingBack to School (1986) - More silliness, courtesy of Rodney Dangerfield, about a grown-up enjoying college livingLean on Me (1989) - Why we love Morgan Freeman, portraying real-life controversial inner city PrincipalDead Poets Society (1989) - Robin Williams inspiring private school boys to embrace poetryStand and Deliver (1988) - Edward James Olmos portrays real-life high school teacher trying to turn delinquit students' lives around with mathThe Breakfast Club (1985) - John Hughes classic snapshot of high school cliquesGrease (1978) - The original high school musical featuring Olivia Newton John and John TravoltaRock & Roll High School (1979) - The Ramones help a high school revolt against a music hating administrationSchool of Rock (2003) - Jack Black is the elementary school substitute teacher we wish we'd had growing up, teaching us about the history of rock & roll and the power of musicRevenge of the Nerds (1984) - Anthony Edwards, before he was cool in Top Gun & ER, leads a rag tag bunch of geeks in college against the jocks who hate themCarrie (1976) - Sissy Spacek starred in this horror flick about the worst prom everClass (1983) - This movie about a prep-school student having an affair with his roommate's mother actually was pretty horrible, but Molly has a thing for Rob Lowe - so thereDo you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
Darn it all, you got the three that immediately popped into my head:
1. Back to School
2. The Breakfast Club, and
3. Revenge of the Nerds.
I can't even think of another one. Maybe Clueless and Never Been Kissed.
Have you done this topic: Movies that really changed your world view or made a huge impact on your life?
Sheesh. Close your eyes and throw a dart, there are so many good ones. Mine are up...I tried to come up with a few non-traditional ones!
Wow, you hit a lot of them! There's one I saw recently that I would add...The Great Debaters with Denzel Washington...really good movie. Also The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie with Maggie Smith. I love Maggie Smith.
Your list was so thorough. I didn't want to duplicate too many.
My response is posted.
Here's an oldie to add to your list 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie' for which the great Maggie Smith won a much deserved Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role
My favorite was The Emperor's Club; excellent movie.
On a separate note...those damn NY Yankees...LOL
You listed most of my favs.
My List
Since I just finished reading the screenplay and watching the movie, it's on my mind: Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Totally awesome!
Great topic this week! You'll find mine HERE.
sorry about that, I posted a broken link :(
Loved your choices.
My top 10 are are here
I'm up!
Damn! I should have included The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie on my list! Oh well, I have posted already and isn't there some sort of rule in memedom about amending your favorites?
here is my list for today!
Cool subject. I love the Grease movies.
Let me add:
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Summer School - with Mark Harmon & Kirsty Alley
Encino Man - with Brendan Fraser & Pauly Shore
Bring It On - with Kirsten Dunst & Eliza Duku (however it's spelled)
Sky High - with Kurt Russell
I've already got another post up on my blog, so I just listed mine here.
My daughter was looking at her blogger account and forgot to sign out so yearofthericeball should be Ashley Ladd. Sorry about that. :)
Great movies! I also thought of Footloose.
Great list!!
16 Candles would be on mine :)
Dead Poets Society is in my list too...
My entry is up
Have a nice day
What a great meme! I've just discovere it and your blog through Sandy's blog. Hopefully I can play along next week! I've wracked my brain but I can't come up with a movie you all haven't covered! Dead Poet's Society is one of my favorites!
Sorry my monday meme post is a day late!
I whiffed this week. Crazy weekend. This is a great list. I'd include Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club and Back to School on my list.
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