Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Work...
In honor of the Labor Day holiday here in the U.S. we thought we'd focus this week's topic on movies centered around work - finding a job, getting a job, loving a job, hating a job - you get the idea. Here are some that we thought of while being lazy Bumbles enjoying our long weekend away from work. Share on your blog movies all about making a living and then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
Working Girl (1988) - Melanie Griffith had a role of a lifetime here with Harrison Ford and Sigourney Weaver - motivating lots of women to be creative and stand up for yourself to succeed in your professional, and personal, life.The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) - Will Smith's portrayal of Chris Gardner's true story of making his way from poverty to success as a stockbroker for the sake of his son is powerful and touching.Anchorman (2004) - Ah, Ron Burgandy! What a dope. Christina Applegate shows what women had to put up with in the world of '70's broadcast news. Will Ferrell is hysterical and the all star cast is classic. Stay Classy San Diego!Baby Boom (1987) - Isn't Diane Keaton great? She's quite cute as the harried, corporate, high stress power woman who chucks it all to move to the country with a baby she inherited and ends up making a killing with applesauce. Because of Diane Keaton you can forgive the sappiness. The Devil Wears Prada (2006) - Meryl Streep is fantastic as Anne Hathaway's boss from hell in the fashion industry. Even Andy liked this "chick flick." That's because everything Meryl Streep touches is pure gold.Nine To Five (1980) - Another "chick flick" that Andy likes. Who doesn't? Dabney Coleman plays such a worm. The best revenge against a boss you'll ever see. Power to the ladies! Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
I loved Working Girl and 9 to 5. Those revenge movies touch my heartstrings! My husband feels the same way as Andy about Meryl Streep - even chick flicks become acceptable!
here is my post
hope the movies i picked fits the theme! :)
I Love The Devil Wears Prada because of the wonderful clothes, accessories, purses and shoes...
my entry is up now...
Mine is up! This is a great topic and I love your choices.
I had to overlap on Baby Boom (my all time favorite movie!) and Devil Wears Prada (because my ex boss was just like Meryl's character). I specifically avoided your other ones though, just to be original! Here is my post:
Will Ferrell, sometimes he cracks me up and sometimes he just annoys me...but Anchorman is hilarious and I love Christina Applegate!
I think Norma Rae embodies all those characteristics you mentioned....get it, love it, hate it...and in addition, change it!
9 to 5 made it onto my list, too! I still haven't seen The Devil Wears Prada; guess it's one to add to my list of must watch.
My list is now posted here:
Have a great week, everyone!
you have some great picks! It's a good subject for the holiday. my Monday movie
Here's my list: http://ashleyladd.blogspot.com/2009/09/happy-labor-day.html
Working GIrl was the first to come to mind. I loved that movie and I wanted to be just like Melanie Griffiths. Shortly after that I went back to college and finished. And I've worked in the business/office world ever since even if I'm not in New York City.
I love Anchorman!
I'd have to add Wall Street to that list. Cheese-tastic. Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas at their smarmiest. Oh,and Boiler Room. So bad, it's great!
I adore Baby Boom! One of my faves. This is a great Labor Day meme and I totally enjoyed doing it.
I'm back in the game. Here is my effort. I only stole one of yours! Although Anchorman is one of my favourites!
I think i've seen them all, good choices. Here is my Movie Meme
Here's my list!
Great meme! So glad I heard about it.
Great list! I have a feeling that 9 to 5 will be appearing on many lists (including my own). Happy Labor Day!
Great choices! I added a few, too.
Empire Records!!
"Damn the man"
Ack! I knew I forgot something this week. The only one that came to mind other than those already listed is "Norma Rae," which would have been most appropriate for Labor Day, no? Making a note on my calendar so I don't forget again next week!
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