Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Dads...
Inspired by a weekend visit to Molly's family in honor of her Dad's birthday, this week we are thinking of movies featuring Fathers. Funny ones, inspiring ones, scary ones, demanding ones. They come in all types and therefore the movies give us lots of characters to choose from. Share on your blog movies featuring Dads and then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
"The Old Man" in A Christmas Story (1983) - This is one of Molly's Dad's favorite flicks, and ours too. Classic holiday tale with an old fashioned Dad portrayed perfectly by Darren McGavin. We think of him dearly every time a furnace bellows or a tire needs changing. And then there's that Major Award. We bought a replica of that for Molly's Dad for Christmas one year - greatest purchase ever."Jerry Blake" in The Stepfather (1987) - Long before he became the dynamic John Locke of LOST, Terry O'Quinn gave us this psychotic Stepfather who would marry a widow with children in search of the perfect family. And then he would butcher them and move along to the next victims when they didn't meet his standards. Maybe that's why I never fully trust Locke on LOST! "Chris Gardner" in The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) - Truly one of the best Dad's ever, this true story portrayal by Will Smith shines a spotlight on a man who pulls himself and his son out of homelessness to become a successful stock broker on Wall Street out of pure love for his son, hard work and embracing the meaning of responsibility."Clark Griswold" in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) - Chevy Chase embodied so many classic characters, but one of our absolute favorites is the well meaning husband and Dad known as Clark, who put on excellent light displays, took the fastest sled ride ever and constantly looked for the bright side when surrounded by unpleasant and univited family guests for Christmas."Jack" in Mr. Mom (1983) - When this movie came out it wasn't really cool or common for a Dad to be the stay at home parent. Michael Keaton brought humor to the role but also pride. And now we know lots of Dads who stay home to raise the kids. None of them have encountered naughty neighbor ladies that we know of, but we're sure they have struggled with household appliances. "George Banks" in Father of the Bride (1991) - This movie is just so damn sweet, no matter how comical Steve Martin is. The overall love that a father has for his daughter, especially surrounding her wedding day, is perfectly captured here."Atticus Finch" in To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) - Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie then you haven't witnessed film's greatest Father. Gregory Peck forever touched our lives in this role. Rent it if you haven't before. Rent it even if you have. We wouldn't steer you wrong. Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
It's so pathetic: I want to leave a comment but it would sound something like, "oh, you know, when what's-his-name played the dad in that movie with what's her name!" Yes! It's coming to me know! Dustin Hoffman. Meryl Streep. In "What's-It's-Name!"
I had to copy a couple (how can you not list Clark Griswold and Atticus Finch?). Another good topic week...I could have gone on for at least another dozen movies!
I love your list! Like Sandy, I tried not to duplicate but I couldn't help it with one.
My response is up.
I've seen all on your list and would agree they are all excellent choices. I especially like The Christmas Story and Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith and his son did such a nice job in that film. . . and it was such a tender story. Thanks for all you do, this is such a fun meme. my movies.
my post is up at The Mommy Journey!
happy Monday!
I'm drawing a blank on the whole beyond what you already said but "Big Daddy" (my youngest son's favorite movie) and maybe "Mulan" (she pretends to be a man and go to war to save her father).
You picked some good ones. I had to go into my vault and find some that are not in the mainstream.
Monday Movies
This is a very good one, thanks! Here is mine (with probably not very well known ones as well).
Great topic for this week. I immediately thought of Will Smith so I'm glad that's on your list. The others are great too. I can't think of another movie to add but I did think of a TV dad that I loved - Father Knows Best. Don't remember the actor.
Steve Martin's character in Father of the Bride is a great choice and pick, as well as Chevy Chase's character in Christmas Vacation (both classics) :) Mine is HERE. It's been awhile since I participated.
Oh, Atticus! I think he's one of the greatest movie heroes ever! Remember at the end of the trial, when the neighbor says to Scout, "Stand up, Jean Louise, your father's passing." I'm misting up just thinking of him!
However, there were two other dads I found praiseworthy, as well.
I love Father of the bride!!!!
mine is up now!
I had fun with this today! :)
Some good titles! My list is posted HERE
Great idea for a movie list! My husband and I LOVE The Christmas Story! We watch it several times every Christmas made easy by USA or whichever network it is that plays it for 24 hours straight through Christmas Day! The Pursuit of Happyness is a wonderful movie too! The dad in that is truly an inspiration. Mr.om makes me laugh everytime I see it!
Here's my list of movies! If you go over to my blog to read my post, you'll notice a lack os spacing between paragraphs. sorry about that. Sometimes spaces appear and sometimes they don't. I'm still trying to work it out.
I hope you can read the movies anyway!
This is my first time participating in the Monday Movie Meme. I don't have a list, but my post about a movie dad is here.
And I do so agree about "The Old Man" and Clark Griswold. Two of my favorite Christmas movies, and movie dads.
Great movies...well, I've never seen the one with "John Locke." And from the looks of it I'll pass!
Here's my post: http://gofita.blogspot.com/2009/10/feature-presentation.html
My son and I just watched Vacation with Chevy Chase again. It is amazing how hard I can laugh at scenes I have watched so many times! We watch Christmas Vacation every year at the holidays!
My thre faves are on your list already! Atticus, George Banks, Chris Gardner. My brain is too busy to come up with another one! Great list.
As usual, my picks are older films ;) But who can argue with Chevy Chase's dads?! Not me!
The Old Man, George Banks, and Clark Griswold would make my list as well!
Atticus Finch is The Man: the greatest father in literature, and on film. Chevy Chase, yeah. But I have to say (and this is as a big Steve Martin fan) that Spencer Tracy is my favorite "Father of the Bride." He was so naturally gruff...
Hi Molly.
To answer your comment on my blog today:
When you have a battery like mine, it's handwrite or not write.
My hands are the part of me most in shape. I type about 96 wpm. I take shorthand. And I write a lot. If I'm out in public and writing erotic romance and I think someone might read a naughty word over my shoulder, the shorthand comes in handy. However, I tend to lapse into shorthand to write faster - but then if I don't transcribe it within a couple days, I often can't read all the words. LOL
I also tend to hand write in a mixture of English and shorthand - can't help it. Is that how people who know two spoken languages think? Partly in both?
P.S. I'm still having trouble thinking of movies about dads - but here's a TV show - "Father Knows Best". And also the "George Lopez Show".
Hey there--I didn't want to bombard Sandy's comment box with responses, so I thought I'd move here.
You've brought up a great point about every day activity and getting exercise. In fact, I think it will make a great post for a rainy day. You know...the whole bit about parking far away at the mall/grocery store, walking up the stairs instead of the elevator, bending over the tub and scrubbing till your little arms fall off. So, yes yes yes, I agree and great points. :)
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