Shed As Is. That's what the listing for our house said. It is an old barn style structure located next to our house facing our patio. It is quite large and provides a good privacy screen from our neighbor's yard. My mother thinks it is wonderful. Andy thinks it is great. I wanted to have it torn down and have another one built elsewhere rather than pay to have it repaired. If we wait much longer to do something with it it just might fall down on its own.

In the five years that we have lived here we have had an addition built on our house and created a patio. We want to tackle the landscaping next, but that damn shed needs to be dealt with before we can do any of that. Andy has spent the last several years uttering my least favorite phrase of his whenever I brought up the shed issue: "Don't Worry." Keep in mind that every time I would ask him when we were going to get married during our seven year courtship his response was always "Don't Worry." When Andy says "Don't Worry" it means that he is well aware of my complaint and doesn't want to hear about it or deal with it any time soon. And it always makes me worry.

Last winter he had to put a tarp over the shed roof to protect the contents from the elements. Don't Worry. The shingles have all curled up. Don't Worry. I won a wonderful children's book from Beth Fish Reads called Albert The Fix-It Man and left it out for Andy to inspire shed repairs. His response? Don't Worry. This summer he had to hang tarps inside the shed to redirect the water leaking through the roof. Don't Worry. This fall we changed homeowner's insurance carriers and the inspector ratted our shed's condition out to the carrier. The carrier demanded shed repairs ASAP. Time To Worry.

So, Andy emptied out the shed. Then he took down all the tarps. One day he had a dumpster delivered and stripped off the roof shingles. He did calculations and had wood and shingles delivered. And then, finally, he convinced a friend and some neighbors to replace the roof. The time and effort to patch the holes wasn't worth the effort so they ripped it all off and laid down new boards. They repaired the beams inside. And then it got dark and they got thirsty so the tarp went back on and the shingles will wait until another day.

But the insurance carrier is content now. The roof won't collapse on anyone and our stuff won't get damaged from leaks anymore. However, because Andy didn't get motivated until Thanksgiving we are running out of good weather up here. So we will have a lovely dumpster sitting in our side yard through the winter with a tarp on the shed to protect the wood. But come spring time, Andy tells me he'll get those shingles on and replace all the siding as well as the windows. He even has plans to install a wood stove in there for those chilly nights after a skate on the backyard rink. At least that's what he tells me his plans are. Don't Worry.
Somehow I am not at all surprised that Andy is a "don't worry" guy. (Like I know him, right? But I feel that I do.) I can't say that I blame you a damn bit...the thing looks like the whole structure will collapse and kill a person. Perhaps the key, once the weather turns favorable, is the promise of something really cool. (Party? Concert? Back massage?)
LOL!!!Hey Andy, procrastinate much?
You could even raise some chickens in that shed when it's "done"! I guess you'll have to string some Christmas lights on the dumpster since it seems it has been adopted! lol
If nothing else, I would have demanded you keep those doors. They are awesome!!
This post made me fall off my chair laughing because this whole "don't worry" thing sounds so familiar to me!! I"m thinking the shed will get fixed eventually...don't worry!
Why do men always say things like "Don't Worry" and "Relax"? Whenever my husband says something like that myself I start taking care of it and suddenly he's doing what I originally asked him to do! But I don't have a shed that needs help. I'm very happy the roof is no longer going to collapse, but how's the rest of it? And I'm sorry to hear about the dumpster Molly - that's no fun!
looks like a good start and maybe you could string some Christmas lights on that dumpster.
This sounds so familiar. Where have I seen this played out before?
Oh yeah, I know. Matty's house. My wife is forever asking me to do things, and I'm forever putting it off.
Funny that your shed is the object of this post. My wife has been after me to paint our shed. I've been putting it off.
Don't worry.
This post had me laughing - which I totally needed since I am currently stressing out.
That shed was quite the eyesore, but in a great location for some privacy and I had no idea your homeowners insurance could force repairs. The nerve! We switched ours a few years ago and the only place the agent saw was our front two rooms.
Maybe you could decorate the trash bin. Maybe a big blow up Santa on the tarp - holding a hammer?
LOL!! Go Albert for inspiration!! But sometimes inspiration is just not enough... Believe me, Mr. BFR and Andy have a lot in common. Fortunately, I have a very high tolerance level.
oh Andy sounds like someone I can understand. you know what, Just don't worry...lol
Funny post!
But your shed has potential, for sure. You need this book.
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