Friday, January 15, 2010

ON PHOTOS ~ Face the Face...

09-16-2006 - Awaiting a Crack at the Bobsled Run - Lake Placid, NY
(this is as close to a look at my mug as you are going to get)
click photo to enlarge


to post or VOTE for this (Bumbles) or other interpretations of this week's challenge


Susan said...

Aw, c'mon, show us the face! Cute bobblehead though!

Sandy Nawrot said...

Nah, Susan, the best we get is the back of Concert Boy's head. I remember this picture!

Kaye said...

That is why I have a penguin as an avatar. No one needs to ever see this "mug". I hope you had fun that day!

kayerj said...

What an adventure . . . the bobsled not looking at you :) I chose the "river daughter" because she's forever beautiful :)

Mike said...

I think that I have mentioned to you that Lake Placid is one of my favorite places on Earth? :)