Our incredibly creative and giving blogger buddy Terry Kate of Romance In The Back Seat is hosting an online Book Blogging Conference in March that allows Bloggers and Publishers, as well as Authors, to put their heads together and come up with ideas to bring more readers to books via book blogs.
Sound interesting? Thought so. For $20 you get to listen to panels (live or archived). Participate in forums. Win prizes. If you register before 02/10 your chances of winning the Grand Prize e-book reader improve.
If you have an idea for a panel topic or think you might be just the right blogger to be on a panel, you can do that too by communicating with Terry Kate.
She's not just encouraging book bloggers and reviewers to attend. She feels that all bloggers who consider themselves readers would be extremely helpful to the conversation. It is readers after all, that everyone is trying to attract.
So let your voice be heard, listen and learn, network and maybe even win something.
What an inventive idea! Would love to see a list of attendees.
Terry Kate is certainly inventive. She has a list of confirmed publishers on her site. The finalized panels will be listed in about a week I believe.
The concept that Terry has come up with is awesome. I have a feeling this will be a successful online convention that publishers and bloggers will all walk away with some useful information
I love the idea and will be there! Every author should be there giving their ideas and learning from this!
Terry is awesome!
I think it's a great idea - exactly that kind of knowledge is missing in the book/publishing blogosphere.
Terry Kate knows this industry. Definitely a must attend event, and I can't wait to attend.
Kat,Sensually Seductive Romance
I'm so looking forward to this. I've told everyone I know that bloggs or is in the industry to check it out. Terry has some brilliant ideas and I'm all signed up.
sounds interesting--I'll have to look into it.
Everyone is making me blush!
I can not thank the Bumbles enough for all their support - this is such a gift since their blog reaches so many amazing people who are not just book bloggers or romance readers - which would be my largest group of acquaintances. Please take a peek at what we have going on if you are a reader, blog visitor, online guru, the more info I have and input going in the better I can make the conference whether you are attending or no.
Thanks again!
Terry Kate
Sounds great -it's on the calendar
This is a great idea. Terry always finds inventive ways to get people together. I'll know I'll be there.
Everyone should come and see what it's all about.
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