This week's movie topic is all about Popular Movies You Hated...
Ever get excited to see some movie the whole world has been gushing about, only to discover that you thought it was a dud? Not only are you completely annoyed that the movie didn't meet your expectations, but you don't have anyone else to complain to because you're the only one who didn't like it. Lonely days. Well, here are a few that Molly just didn't get that lots of others loved. Share on your blog movies you didn't see what all the fuss was about and link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
I think that is the first time EVER that we have not had overlapping answers. The answers for this week should be interesting...
I also didn't like any of those movies you mentioned! I put three different ones in my post. http://forgetfulone.blogspot.com/2010/02/monday-movie-meme.html
I love North By Northwest and Shakespeare in Love! My selections can be found HERE.
I am joining again this week, using my new blog :)
Drop by Chris Chronicles
YES, The English Patient! I totally agree! And... I even had to watch it a SECOND TIME as part of a bachelor(ette?) party... :(
And I really like Juliette Binoche as an actress, but still.
Another movie that was really popular in the European arthouses that I hated was Kieslowski's La Double Vie de Veronique. Brrr.
Can't watch The English Patient because of Ralph Fiennes. He just creeps me out because of the Amon Goen character in Schindler's List.
Love Unforgiven. Shakespeare in Love was just okay for me. I'm not a big Gwynnie fan. Haven't seen any of the others, but I would probably like North by Northwest just because of Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint.
This is a great question and sure to draw different responses. The English Patient is one of my favorite movies. I've always thought I was the odd man out for liking it. LOL
My response is up.
All good choices, I copied one :) I could have gone on for quite a while with this list, but limited myself to 5.
My list here
I love superbad. I don't know why..it's one of those movies I watch everytime I see it on HBO.
I hated: English Patient
Austin Powers (all of them)
Can't stand it!!
I agree with you on Shakespeare in Love. And came up with some others, to boot.
I haven't seen most of these movies on the list, but I did like Shakespeare in Love.
I usually don't even go see big, blockbuster movies because they don't appeal to me in the first place.
My entry for this week.
I feel like I have answered this question some place before so forgive me if I said this here but my answer is Fargo.
two movies i saw recently that I disliked and everyone else seemed to like:
Shutter Island
We had a couple the same, and I agree with most of yours (except Austin Powers, which I thought was cute).
Mine are here: http://www.endomental.com/2010/02/monday-movie-meme_22.html
I did like Shakespeare in love--and I refuse to watch Austin Powers anything *shiver*
Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
Mine are posted! Thanks for hosting :)
I've seen a few of those like English Patient and Shakespeare in love and I will agree with you on those!
I hadn't read the books, so I didn't know that it was so teenagery & ridiculous. I like my vampires like Lestat & Angel, LOL.
I still don't understand why people were so crazy about Moulin Rouge. Fargo, Sideways, Lost In Translation...all dull.
The Big Chill
The English Patient
mine are up! Sorry a bit day late...
There is only one on your list that I disagree with - Shakespeare In Love. Sorry, but I enjoyed the movie. I agree with all the rest - wish I'd skipped them.
For me the one I am always getting yelled at because I cant stand it is Forest Gump. I watched it in college and would have walked out but it was a free movie I hated it. I have been forced to watch it many times because friends insist I just havent given it a chance. and I truly do hate that movie with the silly feather floating arround ugg.
And well Gone with the Wind...not a big fan of it either.
Needless to say I liked all the ones you'd hated that I seen, but I guess I just like anything. The only one I could think of that I hated and most people loved was Jurassic Park.
I know this blog was forever ago, but Pulp Fiction. I hated it. Like viscerally truly loathed it.
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