Sunday, November 14, 2010

ON MOVIES ~ The Great Beyond...

Feature Presentation...

Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.

This week's movie topic is all about The Afterlife...

We spent a bit of time in churches this weekend - first for a funeral for Andy's great aunt and then for a baptism of Andy's best friend's daughter - another godchild for the proud Bumble. All of that time in the pews listening to stories of birth, death and rebirth made this week's theme a no brainer. Here are a few movies that we've enjoyed about the great beyond. Share on your blog favorite movies about heaven, hell, resurrection, angels, demons or haunts, linking back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
  • Dogma (1999) - Ben & Matt as fallen angels in a twisted but very funny star studded movie.
  • All Of Me (1984) - This is exactly why you should never try to mess with your soul's plan - sometimes you get trapped inside of Steve Martin.
  • Ghost (1990) - Being stuck in limbo is no fun, unless you have Whoopie as your medium.
  • Poltergeist (1982) - Here's a tip for you...don't build your house on top of a gravesite. Those spirits don't take too kindly to being disturbed.
 Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Or would you like to guest host? Let us know in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.


The Gal Herself said...

Ghost is a great choice, such an evocative picture of the "other world." Remember how scary icky those oil-spot demons from hell were?

I came up with two others for my post.

Lulu said...

I think Ghost will be a fave this week...

My entry for this week...

Unknown said...

Mine are UP.

Unknown said...

Lulu, I loved your choice of Hearts and Souls! I love that movie :) I would have posted on your blog, but somehow it wouldn't post the option of letting me comment.

Sandy Nawrot said...

I did not list Ghost because you got it first, but I came up with a few of my own (even though I'm fully saturated with wine and food!!!)

Unknown said...

Great topic! Dogma is an awesome movie!

Ugh! I just thought of a movie I forgot to put on my list - Gosttown or something like that, with Ricky Gervaise as a dentist who dies...
Oh well, can't list them all!

Mine are up:
Amy's Movies

~ Amy

kayerj said...

My first thought was Ghost as well. Loved that film. I haven't seen the rest. I've got a lot of film to watch :)

Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

Lee said...

Well, gosh golly, Molly. Love this week's topic.

My top five.

Anonymous said...

I only stole one :)

April said...

I only have one favorite: Defending Your Life by Albert Brooks. I love, love, love this movie.

Anonymous said...

Out of this list I know I saw the Poltergeist. I was about 6 or so I think. I don't remember much of it but I do know I saw it. As for other afterlife movies....I think I'll go with one of my favorites being The Sixth Sense.

JCB said...

How about "The Lake House"?

Lisa said...

Heaven Can Wait--Warren Beatty was so good looking!