Sunday, November 21, 2010

ON MOVIES ~ What Did I Come In Here For?...

Feature Presentation...

Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.

This week's movie topic is all about Mind Games...

We all have forgettable moments. When we do something embarrassing or stupid that we hope no one noticed or will quickly forget. The movies love to make their characters forget. Memory loss. Hypnosis. Spells. It makes for interesting plot possibilities and entertainment for the viewers. Here are some of those films we came up with. Share on your blog unforgettable movies with characters who forget, linking back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
  • Oldboy (2003) - This South Korean thriller/mystery has some very chilling scenes - both cringe-inducing graphic violence and cringe-inducing discovery when we find out the reason behind the hypnosis of the main character. I can't really say more without spoiling it all. A man is abducted, locked away in a room for 15 years by mysterious captors and then suddenly released - with a challenge to find out who was behind his life's misery, and why, within 5 days - or else.
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - Charlie Kaufman writes some very creative scripts. Here, his characters (played by Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey) intentionally have their memories of each other wiped from their minds due to a failed relationship - except one of them changes his mind and tries to, well...change his mind.
  • The Bourne Identity (2002) - *sigh* Matt Damon could lead me across Europe running from assassins whenever he wants, whether he knows who he is or not. But he would need to have those ripped muscles and nifty martial arts moves to save the day. Even if he doesn't remember how he got them or why. As long as he remembers who I am, we're good.
  • Overboard (1987) - This is hands down my favorite movie about amnesia. It is funny, sweet and ridiculous. Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell pull it all off seamlessly. Rich, obnoxious woman falls off her yacht, bonks her head, forgets who she is and is rescued by the carpenter she mistreated on board. He brings her to his meager home with a pack of rotten kids and tells her she is his wife. You can guess the predictable course the plot takes, but it is terrific fun anyway.
  • The Naked Gun (1988) - Other than watching OJ Simpson before he turned into a murderer, I love everything about this hilarious first installment of the Police Squad spoof movies. But I especially love watching Hall of Famer outfielder Reggie Jackson unwillingly turn into a brainwashed robot to kill the Queen at an Angels game with Leslie Nielsen masquerading as an operatic umpire to protect her.
 Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Or would you like to guest host? Let us know in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.


Cheryl Ann said...

Hubby and I LOVE "The Lion in Winter"! Also, "The Usual Suspects" and "Dead Again"! Great theme!

Lee said...

It was a challenge to recall the films I've liked with this type of theme but they are some of my favorites. Great theme.

Here are my top unforgettable films.

The Gal Herself said...

I love Eternal Sunshine but can never remember the title. There's an irony there, huh? I came up with two more.

Chris said...

i love the bourne identity! :D

Chris said...

Chris Chronicles joins in today's theme...

Lulu said...

My entry for this week!

Oh yeah the Bourne! Love it too!

Unknown said...

The Naked Gun is a hilarious movie and I love Eternal Sunshine..
The Bourne movies are great to... Fantastic list!

I posted mine:
Amy's Movie Picks

~ Amy

Penny said...

I love Eternal Sunshine!

also Memento is about memory loss...although I still, to this day, have not watched this all the way through :)

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this theme! I have a few favorite independent films that resemble this theme, but I had no room or time to list them all, so I provided two, with a a few other well-known(s) :) Visit my post HERE.

kayerj said...

love the theme today--I watched a rerun of overboard just last week. That one never gets old. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

Anonymous said...

I'm up! And I didn't steal any this week. Watch out or OJ will sue you for defamation of character ;)

Margot said...

I'm in complete agreement on the Bourne movies. I don't know why I didn't see Eternal Sunshine but it's on my queue now. Sounds good.

JCB said...

I absolutely LOVE Memento and I have watched it all the way through a number of times!

JCB said...

Ok. I posted my list of four!

Heather G. said...

Yeah! Glad to be back, Molly, doing your Movie meme again! Here are mine:

Julie said...

I'd have to vote for Finding Nemo and the adorably forgetful Dory :)

ds said...

Loved Overboard, and the Bourne Identity. Would add Groundhog Day, but Bill Murray doesn't forget, does he? He just has to keep reliving the day until he gets it right...

Clever topic as always, and great choices!

Anonymous said...

Eternal Sunshine I loved. I was the only one from my family who liked it actually. I had to do a review for it for my college paper and I'm a huge Jim Carrey which is why I wanted to watch it. I don't know if any other movies I've seen to fit in this category actually. Ummm...some plots are popping out in my mind but I just can't think of them LOL.

Forgetfulone said...

Sorry I haven't been here in a while. So super busy all the time! I liked the Bourne Identity. And I think I've seen Overboard 10 times!

Lazarus said...

Great list! "The Naked Gun" was a masterpiece, should've won the Oscar (if I were on the Academy Committee it would've!) Thanks for the entertaining post.