Sunday, December 5, 2010

ON MOVIES ~ Don't You Just Hate That...

Feature Presentation...

Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.

This week's movie topic is all about Movie Theater Pet Peeves...

I don't think I have been inside a movie theater in over a year. There are lots of reasons for this. Expense. Time. Motivation. But usually I make a point to go see something special on the big screen. The problem is, there are lots of things that can spoil that special movie going event. Here are our biggest pet peeves about the process. Share on your blog your biggest theater pet peeve, linking back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
    BIG HEADS. I am short. I prefer the term Petite. Andy is not Petite. He is almost a foot taller than I am. So why is it that the tall person always sits in front of me and the short person always sits in front of him? This means that I will spend the entire movie scrunched to the side of my seat trying to see through a slit of big heads. It is annoying to have to switch seats with Andy just when we have gotten settled with our snacks. Not to mention that we are now screwing up the short/tall seating arrangement for everyone seated behind us now. There is only one way I know of to prevent a tall person, or anyone for that matter, from sitting directly in front of you. Tell them with a sad face that the seat they are about to take in front of you has gum on it. Works every time. And they are thankful for your assistance.

    CHATTY CATHY'S. People who talk at the movies drive Andy nuts. I asked him if he meant the strangers who babble to each other having conversations during the movie, or the people he is with who might ask questions about the movie while it is playing. He said both are equally annoying. I remember many years ago, long before we began dating, spending much of the beginning of Terminator 2 asking Andy to fill me in on the plot since I had not seen the first one. Note to self - don't ask Andy questions during the movie anymore.
 Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Or would you like to guest host? Let us know in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.


The Gal Herself said...

I'm 5'2, so you will understand why I'm so grateful you shared that "gum on the seat" tip.

Kaye said...

Well, I swear I USED to be 5'2" but when they measured me at the Moffitt, I was 4'11 1/2". Yikes! When did this happen? So, I feel your pain about the tall person always sits in front of me too. I swear it's an evil plot! We don't even go to the movies anymore - our theatre must think we are all almost deaf so they blast the sound so loud, my ears actually hurt. No thanks, I'll watch movies at home.

rhapsodyinbooks said...

Those are also my top two peeves! And I notice big headed people never take seats not in front of someone else!

Anonymous said...

I'm 5'2", barely and Jason is 6'4" so I know where you are coming from! I hate chatting and people who feel like they need to text the whole movie. In the spring a guy sat two rows up and across the aisle and was constantly texting. I was so annoyed I could barely pay attention to the movie! As you can see I've let it go, haha.

Sandy Nawrot said...

Chatting is annoying but I really don't have that problem much for some reason. My biggest chatters are my kids, and I have no issues threatening to take everything good away from them if they don't nip it. Mine and my husband's were different peeves.

kayerj said...

very smart about the gum :)

My two pet peeves are because we have such a run down theater here in town.

1. sticky floors with popcorn stuck to it

2. no heat so you freeze the whole time you're watching a movie.

my pet peeve if I get to a good theater is probably the use of cell phones during the movie.

Lee said...

Man, what has happened to our movie going experience?!

Here's my list of peeves.

JCB said...

I posted mine!

Lisa said...

I find the big heads annoying, too but I'm with Andy. The most annoying are the people who will not shut up. If you want to talk during the movie, wait for it to come out on DVD (dang--I just about said on video; going old-school!).

Lulu said...

My entry for this week!

Julie said...

I am with you on both peeves (especially the chatting). Thank God for the invention of stadium seating! I'm only 5'4' and I've noticed that I don't have to crane my neck as much.

My peeves are up!