Where oh where have I been this past month? I wish I could say I was jet-setting somewhere beautiful and exotic. Sadly, no. I haven't even been transporting myself virtually to another world through reading. No time, no time. I have been out living life. Not an exotic one. Just hanging out in and around our town. Watching Sammy grow bigger and stronger, learning new skills that he is proud to show off over and over to anyone who will look his way, even if that is just Tedy the cat. Working my tail off when he sleeps. In the office. At home from my laptop and smartphone. Doing chores, yardwork, running errands. Trying to figure out how to earn more income without sacrificing more time. Making time for just Andy and I to get out together and catch a Sox game, a concert, have dinner - things we can't afford anymore but that we need to do for ourselves to stay tethered to each other - the selves we were before Sammy took over our hearts.
Just as we ask our little boy to give up things he doesn't really need anymore, like his pacifier, we give up a lot of things we enjoy but don't really need in order to be content. We take cues from Sam, who prefers boxes to the pricey things packaged inside of them. A good, healthy meal made from home is not as much of an event as heading out for some fancy dining out on the town, with a beautiful view, outdoor dining and tantalizing tastes served by someone else at a relaxing pace.
We dine in much of the time now. But it is still quite an event. Sam's exploration of food - the faces, the actions, the sounds - provide lots of entertainment. And frustration of course. Mess, fits and waste can be disappointing. Such glee though, when a new food is consumed without a fight! Reason for a toast indeed. Dinner of our own is usually reserved for after Sam's bedtime. A dessert of sorts.
Andy creates his own cookbook by filling a plain binder with printouts of recipes he's come across online, copied from magazines or from other cookbooks. Sometimes I forward blog posts of recipes to him too (hint hint). On the nights when he isn't rushing off to play for the Longshots, he swings by the grocery store to gather ingredients for that evening's dinner. After playing with Sammy and watching his dinner performance, Andy whips up our meal while I tuck our little one into bed. And when he's finished with his culinary efforts, we enjoy a meal together. Discuss our day, take in the Sox game on TV, or perhaps enjoy our meal outside on the patio gazing out onto our lovely yard with some tunes playing in the background.
We aren't dressed up and we have to do our own clean-up, but it is just as nice as going out to eat. Better, actually. The nutritional value is better under Andy's cooking control and the taste is exactly what we want, when we want it. And we don't need a babysitter to have it.
No. I haven't been off leading an exotic life. But it's a life I treasure with quite possibly one of the world's best dads and husbands. So don't worry about me when I am on a blog hiatus. I'm spending my free moments from working and mothering sitting outside watching the world unfold in our backyard over a tasty meal with a sweet guy.
You are busy being a mom! Something I can completely relate to. The first handful of years of your little is one that takes a lot of effort, because they can't do things for themselves. It is easy for you and Andy to be like ships passing in the night, and it is so totally KEY that you are aware of that and are making an effort to not let it happen. We eat in most nights, even now when we no longer need a babysitter. When I go out, it is expensive and I just eat fattening things. Glad to hear everyone is doing well, and hey! The little guy is going to be one in just about a month!
I kinda guessed that's where you went! :))
Happy Fathers Day to Andy!
I did not blog while my kids were young--not because I'm a snob, but they didn't exist! Or I just didn't know they existed! :)
But I'm glad I didn't have a computer or the blog to call me--it must be tough to do it all!
Enjoy your time with your son. It's worth every sacrifice you make to stay home with him. I did it for years and have some great kids to show for it. And now that they are older and going their own way, Joe and I are back to the life we had before we had kids. It's nice to have that new-found relationship after all these years. Too many of our friends have found that they don't know the person on the other side of the dinner table after the kids are grown.
Make it work and have FUN with your kids and husband. It all goes waaaayyyy too fast!!
Good for you!!! I tend to stress out a bit if I haven't read a book to post about. You are doing it exactly right. email coming your way.
I'm so glad you have your act together and you know what's really important in life. It's a wonderful foundation for Sammy. Trust me, at some point in his life he'll thank you.
I do that same thing to Dave, forward blog posts of recipes! I've decided it's much nicer eating at home than out...this way I know how my food is cooked!
I haven't been by in AGES and it's good to catch up on you and your menfolk. The World's Cutest Little Red Sox fan looks awful inquisitive, sitting there, contemplating the bushes and trees. Glad to hear that you and Andy have settled into such a happy life as parents. Now I've gotta read your post about Twinkies. :)
The Bumbles and baby make three! Enjoy every second of that sometimes hectic scramble, oh awesome Bumblenesses- it flies by! I miss having babies around Thornesworld. I get to see my Elinore every couple of months and get plenty of pics and vids, so that is a happy thing! Keep on doing what your're doing, Molly n Andy n sweet Sam. Sounds like it's good stuff!
Your time together sounds amazing! When our boys finally fall asleep, we fall into bed ourselves. I know what it means to have no time for blogging, but I am glad you keep coming back because I always stop by - even if I don't comment!
You couldn't spend your time better :)
Enjoy! and see you when I see you
And it gets no better than that. Enjoy it to the fullest!
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