New Feature Presentation...
Molly has been looking around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Leave a link to your blog post where you’ve shared your response or, if you don’t have a blog, share your response in the comment section at the end of this post.
This week's movie topic is all about Expectations...
- What was the last movie you saw that was much BETTER than expected?
- Any new/upcoming releases that you can't wait to see?
- What was the last movie you saw that was much WORSE than expected?
- Any new/upcoming releases that you couldn't be paid to see?
- The Prestige (2006) - We saw the trailer for this in the theaters several years ago and Andy was intrigued. We finally got around to renting it a few months ago (after mistakenly renting The Illusionist which was not very good) and I really liked it. I loved the cast (Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine, David Bowie) and their performance, along with the twists in the plot through to the end. Excellent!
- Role Models (for Comedy) - how can you not want to see a movie with Stiffler from American Pie, McLovin' from Super Bad and Box 'O Porn Guy from 40 Year Old Virgin?, Changeling (for Drama) - Clint Eastwood directed movies are a can't miss for me
- Batman Begins (2005) - We missed seeing this when it first came out and I didn't have much interest at that time anyway since I am not a big Christian Bale fan to "begin" with. But when The Dark Knight came out I really wanted to see it because of the raves about Heath Ledger's performance. I thought it would make sense to see Batman Begins first so we finally rented it. I shut it off early along in the movie since Christian Bale annoyed me, the plot annoyed me. I thought it was slow and - annoying. Plus it was really late and I was tired. Should probably give it another shot. Still haven't seen The Dark Knight either. Funny that Christian Bale and Michael Caine appear in both my Better Than Expected and Worse Than Expected selections.
- Zack and Miri Make A Porno (for Comedy) - I get the feeling that the funniest parts of this movie are what we see in the trailer and those moments haven't seemed very funny to me, Twilight (for Drama) - I have not read any of these books and have no desire to see a movie about teen romance and vampires
- The Queen - (2006) We rented this back in the summer and I thought this was a pretty good movie - MUCH better than expected actually. All time in this category is Steel Magnolias since it is the ultimate Chick Flick but was a really good movie.
- It Might Get Loud - Sounds like a cool documentary about an unconventional mix of three great artists jamming on guitar and discussing their influences as opposed to your typical music doc following one artist or group around.
- Keeping Up With The Steins (2006) We rented this earlier this year and it wasn't that good. Didn't really have much of an expectation going in though. When I saw the cast in the beginning I was excited for the potential but it fizzled.
- Most of the current new releases fall into this category - I second Molly's nomination of Zack and Miri Make A Porno
*What was the last movie you saw that was much BETTER than expected?
The Man in the Moon (1991) - I wasn't expecting much at all, but it was a pretty good coming of age story.
* Any new/upcoming releases that you can't wait to see?
I really want to see Hellboy 2 for DVD and Watchmen for the big screen.
* What was the last movie you saw that was much WORSE than expected?
Casino Royale - Not the one you are most likely thinking of. This is the 1967 James Bond Parody. I wasn't expecting greatness, but I was at least looking for some entertainment.
* Any new/upcoming releases that you couldn't be paid to see?
High School Musical - I have zero interest in something like this.
That is a funny mix of movies right there Snorri! I had never heard of the James Bond parody - with good reason it seems.
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