- Grab your current read.
- Let the book fall open to a random page.
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
- Share the title of the book the teaser comes from…that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
- Please avoid spoilers!
From pg. 451 of ANNA KARENINA by Leo Tolstoy (fiction)...
"For a long time they kept correcting him and were about to give it up - because he kept either taking the wrong hand or taking it with the wrong hand - when he finally understood that he had to take her right hand with his own right hand without changing position. When he finally took the bride by the hand he was supposed to, the priest went a few steps ahead of them and stopped at the lectern."
There are so many more worthy sentences to share from this book, but this particular Teaser reminded me of my own wedding when our preacher dude asked us to join hands and instead Andy stuck his hand straight out to me as if to shake hands - nice to meet you too, honey! We had only known each other for, oh...over 10 years at that point. So Tolstoy's character here has created some nostalgia for me - the more things change the more they stay the same.
You are too funny. You are a fun couple, you know that? I have always wanted to read this book but haven't gotten there. I hope you intend to officially "review" it. I need to be swayed!
Thanks for your kind comment Sandy. I always post my thoughts/reviews of books on Goodreads - a link to me there is on our sidebar here. You do need to be a member of Goodreads which I always encourage everyone to be anyway!
Too funny!! Loved the story and teaser!!
At first, I thought he was learning how to dance...
that's a funny-yet-sweet anecdote... one that is worth telling your grandkids... as i was reading it, the film "corpse bride" came into my mind --- the scene where Victor could not get the marriage vows, right:)...
I thought it was a dance too at first.
I loved the teaser and your story that went along with it.
Thanks for the teaser...I remember that part of the book.
I am planning to read this book this year! I'm really looking forward to it!
Anne Karenina is one of those books I have never read. Well, I mean, there are gazillion of books I never read, but Anna Karenina sort of pops up every now and then and people generally seem to like it, and it does sound like an interesting read :-) Thanks for welcoming me to Teaser Tuesdays :-)
This is why I love your blog. I read your post and laugh out loud. You see the connection between your reading and your real life. Thanks.
I liked your story that linked to the teaser.
I love Anna Karenina!
Great teaser. I've got this book on my wish list.
Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi
Funny story.
Good teaser and how you related to it! I read Anna Karenina a few summers ago back when it was part of Oprah's Book Club selection. I remember being worried I wouldn't be able to make it through the book, but it was much more readable than I thought.
Neat teaser. I may have to read Anna one of these days.
In the meantime, I've done a teaser of my own: http://www.endomental.com/2009/01/teaser-tuesdays-arsonist-guide-to.html
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