raidergirl3 asks - It's Tuesday, where is reading taking you?
I am ensconced in catnip by the caring ladies who saved me from that frigid drop box and welcomed me into this friendly library in the middle of America's heartland.
(Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched The World - V. Myron w/B. Witter, non-fiction)
Awwwww...this book is on my shelf, waiting patiently for me to read it. I am saving it for when I need a good cry.
I can't wait to see what you think of this book.
I absolutely loved this book...be warned it made me cry like a baby!!!
I enjoy these "where are you" posts, but I'm not ready to join another meme ... I'll keep travelling vicariously thru other bloggers :)
I usually love books with cats in them, but I'm not sure I'm brave enough for this one. But that "ensconced in catnip" makes it sound really tempting!
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