"This award is for blogs who invest and believe in Proximity - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award."
OK. Well, right away we realize we broke one of the award commandments by savoring the award for 2 1/2 months, meaning we were obviously interested in receiving it. And now here we are creating a post about it so that probably falls under self-aggrandizing. And while we're at it, Bumbles do like their personal space so Proximity is fine as long as you are not a close talker or looming over our shoulder at the ATM or anything. Now that we have completely defiled this award we shall clean it up and pass it along to someone who is truly deserving:
The spirit of this award, we feel, is to acknowledge bloggers who sincerely build friendships with fellow bloggers by taking the time and energy to visit, comment, and offer a space for the blogging community to gather. If Sandy feels that we Bumbles do all of that then we are honored and hope we are at least on the right path. Janet certainly is.
Many of you may know Janet as the co-host of the Thursday 13 Meme. She and her friend Megan created a place for all T13 participants to continue posting when the original site was unexpectedly closed, saving a long and popular posting tradition from ending. She spends time visiting T13'rs and comes by to say hello to us often, as I'm sure she does with many of you too. She shares her world on her blog beautifully through the lense of her camera and gives us photography puzzles to play on What Is It Wednesdays. We consider her not only a blog buddy, but a friend. If Janet doesn't fit the qualifications for this award, no one will. So here you go Janet, pin it up on your blog, pass it along, or tuck it away in a drawer. It's OK, we break the rules all the time.
awwww, you Bumbles!!! *wipes a tear away* you guys rock! Thank you for such kind words :-) I also host the Friday Fill-Ins cause I'm fun like that ... gotta give the folks something to do! Ahhhh, Bumbles...hugs!!!
This is a nice read on this subject. I often get awards passed on to me with words I don't feel deserving of. Then I almost never pass them on because that would require admitting I got the award in the first place. Sort of a fear of praise thing or something. A therapist would probably have fun with me, so I stay away!
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