This week's movie topic is all about Your First R Rated Movie...
Taking a stroll down memory lane this week, we thought we would share that ever precious moment from youth when one sees their first R rated film. Share your story on your blog and be sure to leave your link in the Comments here.

My first R rated movie was probably either Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams or the original Friday the 13th. Either way, my parents had no idea what I had seen and in both cases thought they were putting me in a nice, safe environment appropriate for my pre-teen age. Oops. I saw Nice Dreams on Cinemax while babysitting for our neighbors. Drugs and three-ways - that's what I remember. I felt extremely dirty for having watched and was paranoid that the parents would somehow be able to tell what channels I had been watching while they were out. I saw Friday the 13th on video at my friend's house one weekend because her older brother wanted to scare us with scenes of slutty teenagers getting shish-kabobbed. It worked. I couldn't walk the 6 houses down the street back to my house in the dark and had to call for a ride. Friday the 13th is one of my favorites to this day. Nice Dreams is not.

I want to say it was Vacation? My aunt took me and my younger siblings to see it in the theater. I remember it being the first movie I saw with boobs in it - briefly, but they were there. Another time, me, my brother and some friends wanted to see All the Right Moves. My mom drove us down there and just intended to buy the tickets for us but they said she had to actually go in and see the movie with us. Since that wasn't the plan, we didn't end up getting to see it.
I had fun strolling on memory lane for this one. The consensus is that it was Saturday Night Fever, followed closely with The Shining. My post is up!
I played today. This was a very cool question.
That's a tough one. I was not allowed to see R movies, even way after my friends were. I'm going to guess that Children of the Corn was one of my firsts. That movie freaked me out and was great for the slumber party I rented it for!
I think 'R' rated is the same as our '18' rated films. I have a feeling the first I ever watched was 'Halloween' or possibly 'The Shining'
You don't get that many '18' rated films anymore I don't think!
Sweet Pea - R rating means under Age 17 requires Adult Supervision to view. Usually excessive swearing and or violence, and more than brief nudity will give a film an R. These days it seems everything could fall under an R rating unless it is Disney!
Great question! My first R-rated movie was the original Child's Play. My uncle (close to my age, more like a cousin) somehow managed to get a copy when we were both fairly small. He was old enough to think it was funny, but I was horrified and suffered from nightmares ever after. But now that I think back on it, it was a great, scary time!
My first R-rated movie was Trading Places. My father asked the ticket guy if the rating was for language or nudity. When he said it was for language, we strolled right in. Explains a lot, huh?
I can't remember which came first, Clockwork Orange or some movie with Ringo Starr (not a Beatles movie!). In both cases, my best friend and I got in under age. For Clockwork Orange we both totally regretted our illegal entry. We were both pretty naive teens, and we were HORRIFIED! The Ringo Starr movie .. okay, now it's bugging me, so just a minute while I head over to IMDB ..hmmm... maybe it wasn't Ringo. ANYWAY, we giggled at the very tame, but we thought outrageous statement of Ringo, because we'll say it was him, saying he liked golfing because it was good practice for putting things in holes. Did I mention how naive we were?
Yikes - I still haven't recovered from A Clockwork Orange - I can't imagine if I had seen it when I was a kid. Reminds me that I need to go rent that one again.
Hi there Jess! Well, at least it wasn't "Eddie Murphy Raw." A few more mo-fo's in that one.
It was probably a war movie for me. My dad didn't really think about my brother's and my age when we were growing up in terms of his movie choices and I am sure I saw quite a few "R" rated movies long before I even realized what an "R" rating meant.
I do remember, however, a slumber party when I was about 10. I got to see my first two real horror movies: Basket Case and the original Amityville Horror. Private School was the other movie I saw at my friend's house that night. Lots of naked girls. We all giggled a lot. While I'd seen movies with nudity before then, none of them were quite so focused on it as that movie was.
Oh I'm running a little late for my week's entry because I was searching all over for the title of my first R film. (without success)
Anyway, here's my movie meme for this week
Oh, I remember mine. I had been to a church dance with a young man. I was in a dress with a corsage. He decided he wanted to go to a movie. When we got to the theater it was R-rated. I wasn't old enough to get in without permission so he had to "give permission" for me to enter--needless to say I was so embarressed about the whole thing. And to top it all off the movie was "Blazing Saddles"
Heyyy...I completely forgot to post my response on Monday; I was in a hurry, I suppose.
My response can be found HERE.
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