Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Tear Jerkers...
The Bumbles aren't big criers. In fact we find "a good cry" to be quite the oxymoron. So therefore we don't go looking for sad movies - but every now and then a movie tricks us into thinking it is going to be perfectly fun and some damn sad scene gets snuck in there. We put on the brave face, but that stupid tear starts trickling out the corner of an eye and next thing you know, our sleeve is all wet because, being tricked into the sad scene, we didn't have any kleenex handy. Here are the few that really did a number on us. Why don't you share some others with us so that we aren't caught off guard without our tissues?
My Girl (thought this was a comedy, biggest sucker punch ever)Beaches (even though Molly read the book first & knew what was coming, it didn't matter)Steel Magnolias (too much star power to avoid)Awakenings (such optimism, but forgot that medicine isn't an exact science)To Kill A Mockingbird (the best story ever is morally moving, chokes us up every time)Life Is Beautiful (OK, OK, it's about the Holocaust - but such a happy title makes you think it might be the exception to the rule)
First, my condolences on the game. I'm not THAT sorry, but I'm trying to be a good sport! Well, this is an interesting meme this week. Life is Beautiful has got to be one of the best movies ever made, and will induce my tears even at the thought of it! I've also got Steel Magnolias on my list, but I think everything else is unique. I'm not all that sappy, but there are some that are just irresistable, aren't there?
I've never seen Life is Beautiful - I've got to add that one to my Netflix queue!
I played along this week:
All of the movies you mention made me cry too. Except Steel Magnolias, but only because I haven't seen that one.
My response can be found here.
Here is my list http://www.mommyjourney.com/2009/05/monday-movie-meme-tear-jerkers.html
Hi! Decided to join your meme. check out mu list when you have the time here http://kcelebration.blogspot.com/2009/05/monday-movie-meme.html
I try to avoid tearjerkers, but sometimes they sneak up on me too. Here's my list
I'm playing for the first time! Here's my link:
Monday Movie Meme #1: Tear Jerkers
My participation can be found HERE.
I joined your Monday Movie Meme and here is my entry: http://lulu-bitz-and-pieces.blogspot.com/2009/05/monday-movie-meme-tear-jerkers.html
i love to blubber, my list would be way to long but I did list a few
my movie
I joined in this week. Waa hoo!!
Here are my tear jerkers.
I played this week and added clips when available.
I don't normally cry very easily but Beaches is the ultimate tear jerker. Steel Magnolias will also get to me.
missed out on this week's topic but I have a few movies in mind. Let me see if I can catch up!
Ok, here it is: My Top 5 tearjerker movies!
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