Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about How You Watch Movies...
If you play along with this weekly meme then obviously you enjoy movies. But how do you watch them? Do you wait in line for the big premier at the theater? Do you savor trips to the local video store perusing the titles up and down the aisle? Or maybe you only watch them from home as they arrive in your mailbox, inbox, or on T.V. And maybe who you watch them with dictates how you watch them. Here's what we do - share your methods on your blog and link back here at The Bumbles.
NETFLIX: This is our preferred method and one we have been using for about 5 years now. We subscribe to the 2 at time package - or rather, Molly's brother & his wife subscribe to it for us - they renew our subscription for us every Christmas. There is nothing better than opening the mailbox and seeing that red envelope of fun instead of bills. We also enjoy adding titles to our queue as soon as movies come out - that way we never forget the ones we wanted to see.TV: There is something about stumbling across an old favorite while channel surfing that makes it more enjoyable than picking it out yourself. The most pleasant surprises are when a channel shows back to back gems.THEATER: Certain movies just have to be viewed on the big screen. It's too expensive to do all the time, but a few times a year we love the whole process of meeting up with friends for dinner and then heading over to the theater to load up on snacks to carry to the perfect seat and settle in just in time for the previews. Getting lost in that big screen is quite the treat. DRIVE-IN: Molly introduced Andy to the drive-in Memorial Day weekend last year by going to see the long awaited Indy installment (thumbs down sadly). Somehow he had missed out on the experience in his youth. Things have changed since Molly went in high school - it is much more of a family scene with kids in their PJ's camping out in the mini-van as the sun goes down and the projector comes on while mom & dad settle in with a beverage. Not so many teenagers goofing around - which is a good thing now that we are old fuddy duddies.NOT FOR US: We haven't gone to a Blockbuster in years. And we never think to get them from the library. Watching them online is something we've not yet given a shot. We do own a handful of perpetual favorites but rarely watch from our own collection - usually just when someone is visiting who's never seen one of our favorites.MOVIE NIGHT: We try to have a movie night on Fridays - just the two of us. But lately it seems something else always comes up. Plus Andy has this bad habit of falling asleep about 15 minutes into a DVD. But when we go out to see a movie, we usually go with friends rather than alone. We save our make-out sessions for the couch ;0)
My response is up. Thank you for hosting the meme!
Interesting topic, especially after having just seen Star Trek last night. We love the theater--the unhealthy snacks and the group response (via the larger audience)and the big screen only enhance the experience. A close second, would be dvds we purchase for home viewing. Haven't gotten into the NETFLIX habit yet. Also, the hubby and I enjoy a lot of old, b&w movies on TCM. The "newer" flicks we tend to catch on HBO.
This one really made me think! My post is now up. Thanks for getting the brain juices flowing this morning.
love your system! my Monday movie
I like your way of watching movies, probably because it's the same way we do it. This way we get some new stuff, some semi-new and some classics. Just about the same way we do with our books.
I was in such a big fat hurry to get my post up that I forgot to respond to you! We are alot like you...we are a multi-media family of movie watching. Love the Netflix. Don't know what I did before that. Guess we rented from Blockbuster, which I hated. Last summer, when the kids and I spent a month at a beach far from anything (and hubby only came up on weekends), Netflix was my saving grace in the evenings!
My post is up. Almost didn't post on time....
Oh how I wish there was a drive-in around my neck of the woods.
The last time I was at the drive-in ET had just realeased!
Netflix is excellent
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