Our little Bumble mascot enjoyed tagging along on vacation with us as you can see from the above shot. It is rather challenging holding him up while he's all slippery from being doused by Niagara Falls, not to mention I couldn't see anything myself for all the mist. So we were quite pleased to see the little guy so photogenic with a rainbow and everything!
Sweet Sandy @ You've GOTTA Read This! just handed out this award below which fits my creative photo theme I've got going here so we thought it was as good a time as any to accept, display and forward. We're supposed to list 7 things we like and then link to 7 blogs - I assume because they are Creative - either that or they don't use Spell Check like the "creative" spelling in the award badge.
But instead we are changing the rules to suit our post here. We shall list 7 things that we liked about Niagara Falls:
- That you can hear a soft roar of the water from far away
- The mist is terrific for cooling off on a hot summer day
- Nature really puts you in your place - which is very small
- Adventure is easy here
- The edge - it looks so calm right before the terrifying drop
- So big it spans 2 countries
- The rainbows
Speaking of rainbows, if you would like to see Andy chasing them click here. Without Stacy @ Stacy's Bookblog we never would have known where to catch them. So thanks for the suggestion Stacy!!! And therefore we bestow this award upon you. And judging by that uber challenging quiz you've got posted today, I'd say the creative tag fits you to a tee.
Thats a nice post.
Awww! Bumble is such a photogenic guy! And as always, so is the back of Andy's head! What a gorgeous place. Did you consider not coming back home?
Thank you passing this along to me. I am so glad that you visited Cave of the Winds. Loved the pictures. Makes me want to go back :)
I love the picture!
Great change of the rules! And of course the accompanying picture is lovely!
Okay, shame on me. I thought I left a comment. Sorry, I didn't! congratulations on your award and LOVE your blog!
the bumble looks positively leprechaunish
Congratulations on your award. You are SO creative or is it Kreativ?
Your Travel Writing post was excellent and the pictures were amazing too. I don't know if you always tell us when you post something over there and I've just missed it. Maybe there is a way to follow all of your posts over there? Perhaps I should pay better attention to all the fine print.
He's so cute, one of my favorite characters from Rudolph that I forgot all about until now!
I've never been to Niagara Falls but would love to see it.
Bumbles is adorable.
Great photo and great list of things you liked. I remember going and seeing Niagara Falls when I was younger. It was amazing then and I would love to go back and see it again.
Thanks for visiting my blog today.
In regards to the radio station my daughter now informs me it was hard rock. Sounded like acid rock to me. It was an "XM" station through our TV.
I love your little mascot. And the rainbow is way cool. We just got back from a weekend in Yosemite, complete with a waterfall or two, but I think your vacation waterfall beats our vacation waterfall :)
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