Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Fear...
When we did a post on traumatic movies an overwhelming amount of responses fell under the horror category. I loooove scary movies - the gorier the better. Andy gets a bit squemish with the more graphic ones. I get sentimental towards the now outdated and cheesy classics of my youth because they are what hooked me as a little girl. And now, I could fill our entire Netflix queue with nothing but scary movies, psychological thrillers, slasher flicks and pure horror. I've got Hostel and Old Boy on there just begging to be seen - so don't spoil those for us. Share on your blog movies that caused you to hide under the covers and then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
Seven - Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey - the visions your mind creates are way worse than the flickers on the screen - and a sucker punch ending to bootSaw - psychopath thinks he's doing people favors by setting death traps via moral choices, very original and gory but the rest of the series was lameThe Shining - hedge mazes will never be peaceful and fun again when Jack Nicholson is done with youA Nightmare on Elm Street - metal claws, furnaces and nightmares that can kill you were enough to keep me from falling asleep for daysThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre - the suspense of horrors to come was awful, but not enough to keep Andy away from power tools forever Jaws - I can't even go snorkeling without being startled by a guppy - they all look like killer sharks to meFriday the 13th - cheh, cheh, cheh, ah, ah ,ah - shivers up my spine every timePsycho - not a big fan of momma's boys or staying alone in roadside motels - thanks HitchPacific Heights - why I will never be a landlord - especially to Michael KeatonAlien - master of the heart racing sneak attack - Sigourney Weaver was never fooled thoughPet Sematary - bringing your pet, or your child for that matter, back to life is not always a good thing - especially when Stephen King is in chargeDo you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
Seven is a great movie. I haven't seen most of your list as I don't like horror movies.
Here's my entry
Mine's up! I had a couple of the same movies but a few different ones, too.
I have a few repeaters, but damn it if I am going to leave Jaws, Pet Semetary or The Shining off my list! BTW, I have been waiting for this one! I was prepared!
I haven't seen a single one of them. I do NOT like to be scared. MY hubby,however, watches them by himself.
Like I said on Sandy's blog -- no The Haunting? (1963 B&W)
I was in high school when Nightmare on Elm Street came out and I remember watching that movie over and over. Jeez it was scary!
Great topic Bumbles!
I love to be scared! Well, and hate it. Very visceral experience.
Molly - Watch The Shining again and watch for the fact that the characters are never allowed to leave the frame. They never get to escape the shot. It adds to the feeling of confinement. It is not till the very end that the characters are allowed to exit the camera frame. He is a master.
Here is my list.
Thanks all,
Terry Kate
Romance in the Backseat
** Personal movie note - Section 9 is THE most interesting film to come out since I don't know when. IT IS NOT an easy watch. It is amazing though.
Oh yes, I had forgotten about The Shining! It was wonderfully scary!
My top three on the list is up..// aaahhh while posting it, cant help but remember the night mares
Yep, I was scared when I saw Jaws, the first one. The rest weren't all that scary. my Monday movie
We share a few titles. Mine's up!
I played. I was a big fan of Seven, too. And of course, Psycho.
I'm also not a horror or slasher film fan, but I wrote about the one I liked -- or at least still recall too vividly ;)
Mine is up!
I've seen (and liked or even loved) most of your selections. Haven't seen TCM yet, but it's in my queue. I also played along, and we had some crossover.
Speaking of fear, how about Cape Fear? Most of the Hitchcocks are okay for me except Psycho and The Birds.
Better late than never!
Fearful Movies
I like Seven as well. I'm not into gory films but more on psychological thrillers.
Here's mine: http://unfoolish-miracles.net/index.php/monday-movie-meme-fear/
sorry for my late entry... check my post!
Aliens, Phantasm, Night on Elm Street, Halloween, The Shining
Not sure if you can deal with subtitles but 2 of my favorite horror/thrillers are Spainish. The Orphanage -which they are remaking in English and The Devil's Backbone. The cover of DB is somewhat misleading. It is set in the Spanish civil war and besides being very eerie, it's beautifully filmed.
Seven was FREAKY. Oh and
Pet Sematary was good- I was so in love with Dale Midkiff when I was younger. I never realized it was spelled that way though...wow.
Mine is SO LATE, but it is up at:
http://www.talentinborders.blogspot.com :)
Great list, by the way! Seven is a fab one for fear!
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