Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about The Great Outdoors...
The reason for this late posting is that here at the Bumbles' real life home we lost power this evening. Which means that access to our virtual home was difficult. Don't ask us why the power went out. It was a beautiful, clear, calm evening. As we carried our dinner outside and dragged out the camping lantern, we laughed about being back in the outdoors once again, just like our recent camping trip. So while we digested our supper we got to thinking about movies set in or featuring the outdoors. Here is a small selection of what we came up with since now that the power is back it is almost time for bed. Share on your blog movies all about living with nature and then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
The Great Outdoors (1988) - Duh! Such a fun John Hughes comedy (weren't they all?) with Aykroyd and Candy creating full on LOL moments before LOL existed. Vactioning in a cabin in the woods with uninvited in-laws, a bat and a bear. Awesome.Jeremiah Johnson (1972) - Sydney Pollack directs Robert Redford in this incredible movie about a soldier back from the Mexican War looking to become a mountain man in the Rockies living in isolation - with nature and Indians a help and hindrance to his goalBrokeback Mountain (2005) - This heartbreaking love story of two cowboys almost takes a back seat to the gorgeous Wyoming mountains serving as the setting for their tale. Ang Lee artfully directed Ledger and Gyllenhaal and the cinematography shined.Into The Wild (2007) - We haven't seen this one yet, but we did read the book. Sean Penn directs a stellar cast in the true story and hypothesized explanations behind a young man's venture into Alaska to find himself through Nature and the unfortunate result. Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
Oooh, I loved Into The Wild! Of course I thought it was such a shame for him to lose his life, but what an inspiring story! The film even ALMOST made me want to visit Alaska! ;-)
my entry is up... I read a lot of good reviews about Into the Wild but I haven't seen it...my entry
Brokeback Mountain is one of the movies that I treasure. Unconventional for me and I love Heath and Jake's performances.
I liked Jeremiah Johnson too. So many movies to choose from. my great outdoor list is here
It might be fun to do children's movies.
This week's theme really forced me to think, LOL! My list isn't long, but it's done.
We have power outages issues here too, without a stinking cloud in the sky. I think squirrels crawl into the transformer and fries the system...that is my theory. Anyway, I had to duplicate a couple on your list. It just couldn't be helped. I'm up!
The Great Outdoors is a comedy classic! I love it!
Great choices! The first one I thought of when I read Sandy's post was Jeremiah Johnson....so gorgeous...I've seen it a dozen times.
Another Redford one...The Electric Horseman. Beautiful Nevada, gorgeous Redford, and Fonda on stiletto-heeled boots...is there anything better than that?
My response is up.
Into the Wild is beautiful to look at--you really should see it!
I was distraught for weeks after Into the Wild. It is so amazing and beautiful and sad and thought provoking. I can't say enough good things about it.
The book is also amazing. I know you love to read, you should check it out :)
The first movie I thought of for this topic of course was "The Great Outdoors" loved it. Now I am going to have to see "Into the wild." Mine are here!
I haven't seen Into the Wild, but it'll have to go on my "to-see" list. In the meantime, my list is up: http://www.endomental.com/2009/08/monday-movie-meme_31.html
I'm so behind in my reader that it's 11:45 pm and I'm just getting to this post :(
I liked The Great Outdoors, but wasn't a fan of Brokeback Mountain. But The African Queen with Bogart and Hepburn comes to mind for this topic.
How about: RV, Mulan, Cheaper By The Dozen 2, Back To The Future 3?
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