This week's movie topic is all about Weddings...
This weekend we attended a wedding for two great friends of ours who make a perfect match and we were honored to be included in their special day. We love weddings, and not just for the open bar. They all have the same premise in mind but each provides its own traditions, theme and style. There are so many movies about weddings, so we thought we'd focus on our favorite one rather than our usual list. But that's mainly because we're being lazy Bumbles recovering from all that wedding fun. Share on your blog, in whatever format you choose, wedding themed movies then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants! Also, while you're at it, visit Molly's recent Guest Post (which has nothing to do with weddings) if you missed the link on Friday.
We have yet to find someone who did not enjoy this movie. We are partial to it personally because it came out when we were in the process of planning our own wedding. The laughs that this movie provided were excellent comic relief and the overall theme of family, love and acceptance were good morsals to tuck away and think about whenever the planning process got difficult. We stop and watch it whenever we come across it on TV and reference it often - such as whenever we use Windex or come across a bundt cake. And someday we think it would be really fun to go to a Greek wedding - big, fat or otherwise.
Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
Hello... I missed Monday Movie last week, so i tried to be the first to post today..hahahahaha.
See you.
This is a great theme as there are so many movies about wedding. Mine is up
Hi, I posted mine as well. :) ---> Wedding Bells
Count me in, I love My Big Fat Greek Wedding too. My wedding movies are up. Have a great week! :)
There are lot of good movie about wedding.
Mine is up!
This one was fun!
I also added the most fabulous video to go with it. Check it out it is a blast and related to a movie.
Have a great Monday!
Terry Kate
My List
Great movie!
My fav. wedding movie is Wedding Crashers :)
I think my favorite wedding movie would have to be My Best Friend's Wedding. Every time I think of Rupert Everett's scene when he breaks into song at the dinner table, I crack up!
I love My Big Fat Greek Wedding-- my Monday movie
I'm actually not a fan of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I didn't hate it but I lost interest in it. Maybe I should give it another shot sometime. =]
Mine are up!
Also: I finally read the comment you left on my blogger. I got that one thing fixed and I hope you enjoy The Devil's Backbone when you get the chance.
My list is up!
I played!
The one that comes to my mind first in Four Weddings and a Funeral. I loved that one. Actually Runaway Bride comes to mind also. Maybe I just like my wedding movies with more than one wedding.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a great wedding movie. I love the light-hearted humor! Overall, a wonderful movie :)
Mine is UP.
You guys definitely need to see 27 Dresses. One of my favorite movies that I could watch repeatedly ;) I certainly feel like 27 bridesmaids for all of my friends! LOL
For a new theme - how about "end of the world movies". For example "Armageddon". I love those.
Since I didn't discover your blog until today I didn't get to post your meme on my blog. But I also love "While You Were Sleeping" which features a wedding.
Oh yes! I also love 27 Dresses. My family's sick of me watching it.
Obviously I missed this one (was in the Vail wine bar :)), but Four Weddings and a Funeral and Meet the Parents come to mind.
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