Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Surprise Endings...
So around these parts we are getting ready for Halloween. But we've already covered horror movies. There's always candy on Halloween, but we've already talked about movie snacks too. Of course those little ghosts and goblins planning to ring our doorbell for the candy will greet us with a chorus of Trick or Treat! We always avoid the tricks by giving them the treats. But we do enjoy tricks when they come in the form of a shocker movie ending. Share on your blog movies that you thought you had all figured out which then left you with your jaw hanging open in wonder at the final scene. Don't forget to link back here at The Bumbles so we can share recommendations and visit your fellow participants!
The Usual Suspects (1995) - Kevin Spacey took this role and parlayed it into great success. If you don't know who Keyser Soze is, pop this movie in and let Verbal Kint tell you all about it. I guarantee you will want to instantly watch it all over again when it ends to look for all the possible hints.Seven (1995) - Here's another shocker a la Mr. Spacey. Hmmm. And it came out in the same year as The Usual Suspects. Who knew we could be duped twice in the same year? Terrific cast covering a gruesome serial killer fascinated with the Seven Deadly Sins.Saw (2004) - Talk about gruesome serial killers, Jigsaw takes the cake. And your life if you can't get out of his sadistic, yet ironic, traps. And the ending will take your breath away. The five sequels? Not so much.No Way Out (1987) - Kevin Costner wearing his tight Navy whites may be the reason Molly was distracted from the truth revealed at the end. Then again it could have been the incredible stress throughout as Costner's character is the unidentified prime suspect in a murder and he is the one in charge of tracking himself down. That's not a spoiler. That's just the tip of the iceberg.Ocean's Eleven (2001) - Having never seen the original Rat Pack version, we're not sure if it contained such elaborate trickery as the modern remake. But it was pure fun discovering exactly how George Clooney's band of thieves implemented their attempt of robbing one of the richest casinos in Vegas.The Crying Game (1992) - This was perhaps the worst kept secret ending in Hollywood. So we're pretty sure you are aware of the big reveal. But since we hate spoilers we'll keep it to ourselves. This movie gives the complication of love between Britain and the IRA a whole new meaning.The Sixth Sense (1999) - Did you see all the dead people? I bet you missed one of them. Look closely - because it's all laid out for you. And we still fell for director M. Night Shaymalan's trick. Possibly because Haley Joel Osment and Bruce Willis' performances were so good.Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
I love usual suspects and the sixth sense...
My entry is up
my post is up!
i hope its okay that i chose only one movie for this week's theme!
I thought Saw was amazing too! But not the sequels... It started to get overdone after that.
I've got something for you at my blog! =)
Well, The Sixth Sense has to be it for me! I can usually see through the plot devices in movies, but not that one! I was totally shocked at the ending, and immediately started watching it again to pick up all the clues I missed on the first go-'round.
Kevin was awfully pretty in those whites, wasn't he? drool
You've got the two I would have listed: Crying Game and Usual Suspects.
I love The Crying Game. I just can't remember why I was not surprised with the twist of the story. Somehow I knew it beforehand. Anyway, I love the theme song too.
those are great picks!
I agree. I would say almost any M Night movie qualifies :)
I think the only one of those I've seen is the sixth sense. The kids were so excited for me to see it because scary movies kind of creep me out. So they rented the movie, put it on and then sat down to watch my reactions. They were crushed during the scene when the psychiatrist was talking to the mother and I popped out with the twist right then. Kind of took the fun out of the event. It was a good movie with a nice twist though. If you want to come on by I’m home.
Hey, you've got all the best movies here! :p LOL Just teasing byt The Usual Suspects, No Way Out and Ocean's Eleven are some of my very favorite movies!
This is a great topic and I'm going to have to think on it for a bit!
So what are the Bumbles dressing up as for Halloween?!
I didn't see Sixth Sense there at first, that's another great movie! You're list is great!
Here are some I came up with!
Movie Monday
Thank you for the fun!
~ Amy
Dammit! I can't play this week because you already covered off on my top 3 choices: Sixth Sense, Usual Suspects and No Way Out. Funny how I, like Molly, didn't pick up the clues in the last one. I do remember the limo driver's name was Bill, though. (wink)
I worked hard to find a couple - way to stretch the brain Bumbles.
Love the subject.
Hope everyone is well,
Terry Kate
My List
Romance in the Backseat
Phew! That's a big list and I've seen a few of them. The Sixth Sense knocked my socks off along with The Usual Suspects...I'll have to think about some other ones not on your list...
OK, here's my mini list!
Great topic this week! We had three the same, but I found a few others as well.
Here's my first time playing! I'm glad you mentioned The Sixth Sense; it's absolutely awesome!
Mine is up! Enjoyed this question!
I tried posting mine a few times earlier today, but the work computer was being really boggy today. Better late than never, right?
My Movie Post
I loved "The Crying Game" despite its overhyped "secret" ending, and became a big fan of Stephen Rea in the process. As for Ocean's Eleven, stick with Mr. Clooney & company. We borrowed the original Rat Pack version just to see what all the fuss was about, and were sooo disappointed (and not in a "geeze, what happened to the special effects kind of way). It is very stilted & awkward. Sad.
While I agree that The Crying Game and Sixth Sense did have surprise twists I knew about them beforehand.
Now The Usual Suspects caught me totally off guard and it was great. I loved that movie.
I think that's when I fell for Kevin Spacey.
I'm stumped this week. The only one that came to mind was the Sixth Sense and you've already got it. If I think of some I'll be back. "Knowing" sort of surprised me but not really.
mine is up here
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