Have you seen the movie Pay It Forward? I haven't. But I do know the premise. Instead of paying someone back for a favor, do a favor for them in advance of needing something - a good deed so to speak. And they are so thankful for said favor that they in turn do something nice for others unsolicited, etc. etc. Wonderful concept. But who ever actually really does that?
Enter Terry Kate of Romance In The Back Seat. She studied film and enjoys making documentaries. She also loves romance - novels in particular. She had the bright idea to interview romance writers in the back seat of a car and let them share their craft with interested fans of their work and the genre. So she posts them on her main site along with links to lots of other fun and informative things.
If you are not familiar with her you will really enjoy meeting her. In addition to being creative and daring she is also pretty frickin' thoughtful. Every day in November she has allowed an author to guest post on RITBS' Blog about what or whom they are thankful for. They then donate one of their books to be given away. In order to be eligible to win that day's book you need to leave a comment explaining who YOU will give the book to if you are chosen as the winner.
You meet a great blogger, you read some inspiring posts, you learn about all these different books, you leave a comment for those you like, and if you win - you receive a free gift to give to someone else. Could be a neighbor, a family member, a hospital patient, a shelter, a co-worker, a library, a senior home, that cashier you see every morning for your coffee, or a complete stranger. That part is up to you.
Pretty original idea. Pretty incredible opportunity. If you want to take part, click .HERE
I like the idea of this -- I will be checking out the site.
a great idea--I've been to her blog and I think it is very interesting.
What a wonderful idea. Checking it out now.
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