Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Life Changers...
Our blogging buddy Cardiogirl wanted to know if we had ever covered movies that changed our lives or our world view. Huh. Unless you count our post on Eye Candy, I would have to say we have not touched on that topic before. It is an interesting question - what movies had such an impact that they caused a change in our behavior, beliefs, or exposed us to a new passion? Here's what we came up with. Share on your blog movies that caused a major impact in your life link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants to find their recommendations!
Super Size Me (2004) - I stopped eating at McDonald's after watching this documentary. Although the movie is quite humorous, it was also appalling and opened my eyes to just how bad fast food in general can be for your health. I overhauled my entire diet and exercise outlook not long after renting this. It wasn't the reason but it certainly armed me with facts and motivation during that process.
The Natural (1984) - I'm not sure any movie has "changed my life." However, one did create something special for me. My father doesn't like going to the movies and there is a 6 year gap between me and my youngest sibling (there are 4 of us). So this is the only movie I can ever remember seeing in the theater with my entire family. It appealed to the different age groups, our shared love of sports and created a nice memory. It was a good movie too and whenever I see it I think of my family. That's a pretty cool way to have a movie make an impact. Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
Jaws. I don't go out too far at the beach.
Interesting topic! I can think of various war movies that really had an impact on me:
The Killing Fields
Hamburger Hill
Coming Home - probably the most impact
I think I'll always remember the feelings "The Passion of the Christ" evoked in me.
I'm pretty sure that's the only movie I've seen that really shook me to the core in such a strong way. Just thinking about it evokes the same feelings I had the first time I saw it.
I still remember feeling the agony of watching Him struggle and fall as he carried the cross.
And I truly feel the impact of the words, "Lord I am not worthy to receive You but only say the word and I shall be healed" because of that movie.
As usual, I twist the meme. I swear I don't mean to be a problem child ;)
Killer topic for 5am on a Monday morning! Whew! That was hard. Still, I have to go with The Passion of Christ (I swear I came up with this before I saw Cardiogirl's answer). Nothing has ever come close. Here is my post:
Both great choices!! I'm just not sure which movie I'd pick...
My first time to play!
Great choices! I've seen the Natural, but not supersize me...icky.
Here's mine: http://gofita.blogspot.com/2009/11/monday-movie-meme-deep-impact.html
I'm sharing something personal this Monday... But it's still based on a film classic, of course ;)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
True Story :)
Changed my life!
Here's my blurb on my life changing movie: Story of the Weeping Camel
Thought provoking subject, There are some great movies listed in the comments. I haven't seen super-size me, but I did like "The Natural". I went with a film about Christ as well. my Monday movie
Hello All!
This week I came up with quite a list I am very excited about it. Check it out and I can not wait to hear what everyone thinks.
My List
Terry Kate
Romance in the Backseat
This topis requires some thought! I really like it. I know there are more movies that have had an impact on me than the ones I list but this is a start.
Tha Natural is a wonderful movie, I loved it!
I saw Super Size Me and I can understand why it made you change your diet! It's great that you did, I hope it made you feel better I didn't eat much fast food to begin with so I didn't have any major changes to make! But anytime I consider some fast food that movie crosses my mind.
Here are my movie choices:
Monday Movies
The Natural is my favorite baseball movie, but I went with another, earlier Redford hit.
My entry is up
This week has a very interesting theme.
For me it was Life is Beautiful. This film made me realize just how powerful and impact we can have on our children's reactions to traumatic situations. Super Size Me helped me get my son off the constant requests for McDonalds and made me realize just how unhealthy it is to eat there!
Very interesting topic! Mine are up here
I've never seen "The Natural," but "Supersize Me" both educated and irritated me. McDonalds is a rare trip for us now.
Of course, mine is Star Wars. The post is here.
I'm a little late, but I joined in too. Visit my post HERE.
I tried to come up with something earlier and couldn't. I have to agree about Supersize Me. Since we watched it last winter I have easten very little fast food. And Schindler List is another one I saw and I have to agree with it's power. I try to forget such hate exists, but when I saw the film I was horrified.
Really interesting question, that I cannot answer. As I said at Sandy's (sorry, got to her first tonight), Mr. L-S would go for The Shawshank Redemption. Have not seen The Passion of Christ. All of this discussion is making me wish I had. Liked The Killing Fields too (if "like" is the proper word).
mine is up! Sorry for the late post:
here it is!
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