Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Death Scenes...
Last week we talked about movies that changed our life - deep stuff! So this week we're doing a 180 and talking about death. No - not movies that scared us to death or about mourning. We mean those memorable death scenes. If you've ever seen HBO's Six Feet Under, you know that each episode opened with the death scene of a person soon to be taken care of at the family's funeral home. The writers got pretty creative coming up with interesting ways for characters to die each week. Movies of all kinds provide death scenes of all shapes and sizes. Humorous, horrifying, tear jearking, realistic and ridiculous. Here are a few that stood out for us. WARNING!!! It is impossible for these not to be spoiler-free. Play at your own risk. Share on your blog scenes depicting death and link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants to find their recommendations!
Lethal Weapon - Death by nail gun - who knew the construction tool could be so versatile?Fatal Attraction - That psycho lady just did NOT want to go easy did she? Soaking in a tub has never been quite so relaxing since that movie for some reason.Training Day - How many bullets does it take to bring down Denzel anyway? This was realllllly reminiscent of the classic Godfather scene.Full Metal Jacket - Ugh. One of the most visually brutal suicides in cinema. Not for the faint of heart. Bambi - Disney created a real heart breaking scene when he killed off Bambi's mom.Pulp Fiction - Poor Marvin.Friday the 13th - Kevin Bacon getting shish kabobbed in bed from below was extremely clever and gorifyingly great.Goodfellas - Billy Batts gets bludgeoned. Temper, temper Tommy! DeNiro & Pesci have fun kicking ass here.Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
yeah the lethal weapon is different ... it must be so "ouch" to die of a nail gun...
My entry is up
Man, you guys are getting serious on me! This one took me some time. How to pick? Here is my post:
Oops, sorry, I hit Sandy's before I arrived here.
Imitation of Life has IMO the most heart-wrenching death scene in a wonderfully melodramatic way. I remember sobbing my heart out when I first saw it as a teenager. If you haven't seen the Lana Turner version, you should find it. When her maid, played by Juanita Moore dies, her light-skinned daughter who has been trying to pass for white and has tried to hide the fact that her mother is black, comes to the funeral. She realizes her great loss and falls onto the casket sobbing her regrets, and for a kicker, Mahalia Jackson is singing Trouble in the World in the background. Oh, lordy, I'm tearing up just thinking about it. After it ended, I went straight to my own mother and gave her a big hug and told her I loved her.
Of course, there are many more memorable death scenes...too many to count, but this was the first one that popped into my head.
Thanks for letting me know on my blog about Chelsea books. I didn't know she wrote any. I have my favorite books listed on my blog but will have to think about the movies.
I thought of one movie, How about "Brian's Song". I think that's what it was called. It's an older movie, probably in the 70s or 80s.
Have you ever seen Nestor, The Long-Eared Christmas Donkey? The scene where Nestor's mother dies, protecting him from the storm? My best friend in high school and I would watch it every year, and cry together.......
those are some pretty gruesome deaths! my Monday movie is here, and I have a little something for you today!
Good movie suggestions! As for how many bullets it takes to bring down Denzel...probably as many as it takes to being down Wesley Snipes, LOL.
My list is here.
Oh, Glenn Close and that tub! I swear she made me jump about 3 feet out of my seat when I saw that at the show!
Marvin's death in Pulp Fiction certainly does stay with you. Great list.
Mine's up and includes a Disney death scene, too. Was old Walt a sadist? Making generations of little kids cry like this!
Now I'm going to have nightmares :P
Those are some pretty gruesome ways to die! Love this week's theme!
Here's mine: http://gofita.blogspot.com/2009/11/monday-movie-meme.html
You picked some terrific and gruesome death scenes here. My husband and I have watched Full Metal Jacket up until the suicide numerous times.
This is a great topic just not where my head is at today (not that I'm ever actually thinking about death scenes! lol)
Gruesome :P here is my effort
How about Hitchcock's "Psycho"--screech, screech, screech?
LOL! I have seen every one of those scenes! Tells you what kind of movies I like!
I always remember the death scene in Volcano (a movie I remember nothing else about) where the guy jumps off the end of the train, into the lava, to save the guy he is carrying...praying...and sort of melts...eeeek.
Training Day and Fatal Attraction are great choices! Wow, Bambi is so sad and just too heartbreaking! I still can't watch it to this day :(
Mine are UP.
Good choices! Here are mine
Oh my gosh I totally remember that scene in Friday the 13th. I screamed so loud! It was wicked fun to see that as a teenager!
My second time to play!
What a funny post! I have seen several of these death scenes and they are indeed memorable.
I stopped by from my mom's blog (Kaye @ The Road goes ever ever on) She always raves about your little game. So I thought I'd come see what it was all about. Very fun, I will try and do this next week.
Oh, and since its so late can I tell you my memorable death scene. It was from the movie "The Time Travelers Wife" The death scene lasted a full 60 minutes. I was ready to shot myself to end the boredom long before the guy ever kicked the bucket.
Great subject today! The first one that popped into my head was Thelma and Louise. Their death sure made a statement at the end of that movie.
Oooh some good ones!! I don't know why, but mind suddenly went blank and I can't think of any to add to your list. Shoot.
My favorite death scene, or one that always makes me cry is Boromir in the first LOTR movie...gah!!!
I'll second that Goodfellas one. It's grrrrreat.
You know, I can watch almost any death scene and it washes over me.
But that one in Bambi. I can't watch that. It reduces me to a blubbering pile of tears.
Which is a little embarrassing when you're a bloke in your 30s!
It's just so heart-wrenching!
mine is up! here
I always go with horror film death scenes such as Friday the 13th but sometimes, it is unbelievable unlike the full metal jacket scene which is somewhat true on war events.
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