Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Your Holiday Favorites...
This week's topic may not seem very original of us. However, Kaye commented last week that she would enjoy sharing them, and Molly chatted about them on Blog Talk Radio last week (you can listen to an archive of the show here) so it seems only obvious that we should cover holiday favorites now. After all, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to talk about them in March. So here are some of our favorites. Share on your blog your favorite movies that either take place during the holidays, are about the holidays or just have a special personal connection for you with the holidays and link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
A Christmas Story (1983) - favorite about the holiday ~ Red Rider BB Guns, writing Christmas "themes," tongues stuck to frozen lamp posts, leg lamp major awards and saying "fudge" - nostalgic delightThe Wizard of Oz (1939) - favorite personal association ~ fond memories of watching this on TV every year around the holidays, falling in love with Toto and ruby slippers while hiding from flying monkeys and the wicked witchIt's A Wonderful Life (1946) - favorite holiday classic ~ a love story entwined with a bit of DickensChristmas Vacation (1989) - favorite holiday comedy ~ "The shitter's full" sums up unwanted family guests so succinctlyDiner (1982) - favorite set around the holidays ~ underrated comedy about young men trying not to change, including a hilarious scene with an inebriated Kevin Bacon accosting people with sheep in protection of the nativity sceneDo you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
Who doesn't love It's a Wonderful Life? I added three more to my list, and it was hard to stop there. Christmas has given Hollywood a lot to work with over the years.
Though I'm sure a few of mine will make other lists, I think I also noted a few no one else will. ;)
My Holiday Movie Faves
I actually like "Sleepless in Seattle" as my holiday favorites.
I, as usual, twisted this a bit -- but I think you'll like it ;)
I've got a few predictable ones, and just for sport, a few that aren't...
I LOVE Christmas movies! Here's my list:
p.s. I tried to listen to the blog radio show, but I couldn't get it to work. Bummer!
A Christmas Story and It's a Wonderful Life are annual favorites here too, along with Miracle on 34th Street and Bells of St Mary.
Great list Molly, I think you picked the top Christmas Movies of all time. I'm excited to see everybody's list today. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
I actually did a post on this one already...you hit most of mine! I'll have to try out Diner! Here's mine: http://gofita.blogspot.com/2009/12/tv-thursdays.html
I love Scrooged :-)
I recently did a blog post on this very subject a few weeks ago as part of the Thursday 13 meme. http://pkphotography.us/2009/12/thursdays-13-my-favorite-christmas-movies/
Wishing everyone the happiest of holidays!
I love Holiday movies so I am very happy you chose this topic! I enjoy the older holiday classics more than the modern ones.
But I love The Christmas Story, there are so many great scenes in it! And of course, "It's A Wonderful Life" I have always enjoyed this movie! Christmas Vacation cracls me up every time I watch it! I really love that you included Diner! It's a little-known wonderful gem of a movie. It's been a while since I saw this, I think it's time to again!Terrific choice Molly!
Here's my list, I wanted to include so many more but figured I had to stop somewhere!
Happy Holiday Movies!
I hope you like them!
Merry Christmas!
~ Amy
Great topic for this week. Of course, we have some matches. I added some others as well: http://www.endomental.com/2009/12/monday-movie-meme_21.html
Oh, how I loved following the Yellow Brick Road every year! And who cannot like It's a Wonderful Life. Great list, as always. Happy watching!
My entry is up for this week. Merry Christmas everyone!
My Blogs
Bitz 'n Pieces of My Life
Mouth's Delight
Daily Snippets
Musings of Life
I have a list of films that I simply MUST watch each holiday season: Here goes:
Home Alone
It's a Wonderful Life
Surviving Christmas
Just Friends
Love Actually (just watched this last night )
The Grinch (cartoon version)
The Ref
A couple of mine were the same but some were also different here
It's a Wonderful Life is *the* Christmas movie, I reckon.
But I'm also a huge fan of Scrooged and Elf! If you don't like Elf, you're a cotton headed ninny-muggins! :D
A Christmas Story is my all-time favorite. I like the 1940's-1950's circa atmosphere. It takes you back to a simpler time. I love the narrative format....his voice is perfect for the part. "You'll shoot your eye out" has got to be a top ten memorable line.
A Christmas Story is the best Christmas movie ever, hands down. In addition to the movies you listed, I'd have to add Love Actually, Home Alone, Gremlins, and Black Christmas (gotta love a yuletide slasher flick!)
Christmas Vacation is always an excellent choice :) Here's MINE.
I've been listening to you on BlogTalk radio as I'm reading your posts. It's nice to put a voice to the words :)
It's a Wonderful Life is my favorite.
I am working out (I say this loosely since it's just me thinking about it) my daily posts for 2010. Will you keep the Movie meme on Mondays? Cause I'm thinking I might change the day of my weekly quiz so that I can participate more. Maybe this would be the one weekely meme I allow myself.
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