Sunday, October 24, 2010

ON MOVIES ~ Horrific Royalty...

Feature Presentation...

Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.

This week's movie topic is all about The King of Horror...

Stephen King is dubbed "The King of Horror." The man has had his writing result in over 100 visual productions - shorts, TV episodes, mini-series and full features. If you have never seen a Stephen King production, you must have worked very hard to avoid them. Not all of his stories are horrific. But most of them are. And all of them are great character studies. Elements of the mind are far more scary than creatures. But he likes to create terrifying creatures too. Just to cover all the bases. If the world was to be banned of all King productions save one, which would you save for posterity - to represent the only visual adaptation of his work for the future generations to see? Here is our choice - a unanimous decision. Share your selection on your blog, linking back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
    Holy crap. This movie scares the bejeezus out of me. I have seen it at least 100 times. And every time my skin crawls. Stephen King may not have enjoyed Stanley Kubrick's version of his story, but we did. This is entirely because Jack Nicholson embodies Jack Torrance. Boy does he know how to illustrate the extreme of stir crazy.
    I really wish that King's own screenplay for the TV mini-series could have been given to Jack to play. That was a really close version of the novel and the creeping topiary made me have nightmares. The actor from the sit-com Wings did not.
    I read the book many years after having the movie embedded in my brain and was happily surprised to gain so much background knowledge about Mr. Torrance and get some closure on life after the Overlook Hotel.
    I love the book. I love the movie. I love the mini-series. They are all very different from each other. And all equally terrifying to the psyche. Andy agrees. He's only ever seen the movie. And as much as he loves King's other movie stories, this is the one that he felt had to be preserved. As representation of the King of Horror. Evidence of the monster within. 
    **My Honorable Mention goes to Dolores Claiborne (1995). Andy's goes to Misery (1990). Both star Kathy Bates - no relation to Norman. I'm sure you are familiar with Misery - one of film & literature's greatest villains. Dolores Claiborne maybe not so much. Do yourself a favor and rent it ASAP. It is fabulous.**
 Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Or would you like to guest host? Let us know in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.


Chris said...

my pick is ....

Chris Chronicles

The Gal Herself said...

Delores Claiborne and Misery are both such great movies. It reminds me that some of the most compelling female characters have been written by a man.

But for me, there is only one choice ...

Unknown said...

I had two picks, more psychologically scary, than horror. They are here.

Lulu said...

Enjoy a "Scary" movie monday everyone! Here's my entry:

kayerj said...

I've never seen a Stephen King movie, or read a Stephen King book. I'm a big chicken!!!!! I did finally watch the nightmare before Chrismas . . . so my post is about him :)

Unknown said...

So hard to decide! My favorite(s) are here:

LJ said...

I agree - the Shinning was scary, but I thought Pet Cemetery was right up there too! The very first horror flick I ever saw (age 14) was Carrie. I didn't sleep for a week after we went to that!
I would really like to see Duma Key made into a movie. I loved reading that one last summer.

Unknown said...

Great post - The Shining is a great thriller movie. It always scares me no matter how often I watch it!

I promise I didn't steal your idea, it's just that you mentioned my second favorite and the only other SK movie I like.
Amy's Movie idea!

I have several theme ideas for you & will email you today (I'm mentioning it here to help me remember to email you!) lol

~ Amy

Staci said...

I could only watch a few of his but Misery is my favorite!! I scare!!!

Julie said...

If I could only save one Stephen King movie, it would have to be Stand By Me. One of my all time favorites.

Did I ever tell you that the little boy who played Danny in The Shining(Danny Lloyd)used to live in my hometown, and that my brother and I would talk to him when we rode bikes in the neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

-As of right now I have only seen 2 Stephen King movies, Christine and Carrie. Christine was the first book of his that I read and loved it The movie however...not as good as all as the book was. I didn't enjoy it. Carrie was another book I read and loved and the movie...I loved as well. It didn't hurt that John Travolta was in it. Everyone told me the end of the movie would scare me but it didn't at all. Maybe cause I had read the book first.