10-15-2002 - Kauai, HI - Polihale Beach
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it is a masterpiece, so much of nature is!
Happy WW!
Have you ever seen Hummingbird babies?
Lovely! I haven't been to Hawaii since the 1970s.
I just love Polihale Beach - so beautiful and deserted! Lovely sunset you captured.
Yeah, no matter how talented (we think) we are, we're all humbled by Nature. This is a perfect example.
Exquisite capture!! Those colours are mesmerizing! Never been to Hawaii, but this really makes me long to go. Maybe one day we will.
Gorgeous! What made the sky pink like that?
That looks like a postcard it's so beautiful! Great job.
A pink sky is very cheering!
That is a work of art!
Hi - thanks for your comment on my WW post (Golden Giant). To answer your question, the tree is in the Arboretum in Boston - I walk there with my dog almost every weekend.
Wow! I love your endless sky photo! Cute profile photo...we are actually watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as I type this! :) Thanks for visiting me.
this is truly a great work of art... lovingly painted by the Gods for mortals to enjoy:)
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