1. Chris of The Mommy Journey passed along the Friendship Award. She lives in the Philippines and was touched in part by the recent natural disaster there. She hosts Mommy Moments each Friday providing a theme for Moms across the world to post about and illustrate with photos of their kids. She has introduced so many people to our blog through her participation in our Monday Movie Meme and is focusing her own T13 this week on movies. We appreciate her involvement every day.
2. DS of Third Storey Window passed along the Zombie Chicken Award which is one we've seen around and enviously wanted to display - woo-hoo! DS lives in the Northeast somewhere we think - perhaps even dreaded NY. We've already forgiven opposite sports allegiances because her literary blog is written so beautifully. This week she's discussing Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men in honor of Banned Books Week. Over the weekend she was exposing us to some Japanese literature. It is always a treat to visit her spot in the blogosphere.
3. Sandy of You've GOTTA Read This! passed along the Top Commenters Award to us via a Drop Kick Murphy's video in her post which was very special sending some Boston love all the way from Florida. She introduced DS to us and is a top commenter to everyone she cares to visit. So really she should just keep this award permanently or we should re-name it the Sandy Award or something. In addition to writing the best reviews in the Book Blogging Community on a daily basis, she is hosting a discussion on Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca over the next two weeks simply because Molly mentioned she was reading it with a pal on Goodreads and thought she might like to join in. That's the kind of gal she is, organized, a go-getter and always bringing people together.
4. Heather of Gofita's Pages passed along the Splash Award which gives us a memory of summer to cling to. We're not sure how she became so fond of Pirates, living in land locked Utah and all, but her love for them is infectious. She's getting a little witchy with us this week with a history lesson as well as reminding us of some goodies via a vocabulary lesson. She's a new blogger to us and we're glad she found us because her's is a fun place, matey!
6. Adelle of Adelle Laudan writes steamy biker romance novels and kindly introduces us to other hard working authors like herself. This week she gives us an inside peek into the pages of another writer's new release, shares a fantastic story behind a Cole Thompson photo, and is doing her T13 on extremely stupid laws. Her blog provides a mixed bag as you can see that is well worth the visit.
7. Wanda of A Season To Read is another book blogger and she gives us a Canadian perspective on literature. She introduces us to some wonderful Canadian authors. She's been quiet this week but she just changed her images to match the change over to Fall so we hope she's enjoying her favorite season. She's also got a book giveaway going and since the one we won from her earlier this year was so fantastic we're pretty sure she wouldn't steer you wrong.
8. Stacy of Stacy's Books seems like she could be Molly's blogging sibling - aside from the Mary Kay gig their interests are very similar. She loves books, movies, sports and pets. She hosts a weekly quiz about literature and this week she's asking us to match up quotes about censorship with the Presidents who said them. She's also exuding pride for her Buckeyes encouraging other College Football lovers to share their team spirit. There's also a book review and her thoughts on a Screenplay Challenge involving Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We couldn't believe she'd never seen the movie before - but we're totally stoked she did now!
9. Kaye of The Road Goes Ever On loves her family, takes incredible photos, and tries to work Lord of the Rings into every Monday Movie Meme topic she can! This week she's showing us a wall of her 2009 reads, a visit down memory lane with a childhood favorite from the fantasy genre, and history via a photo scene in Utah. Her insights into her world are something we look forward to and we have a lot of awe over her talents.
10. Karen of Karen & Gerard Zemek is another Ohio resident and she has given up on her Tribe this season and decided to root for her husband's Red Sox. So you can see the obvious attraction for us! She is a woman of great faith and is relying on it a lot right now as she is learning to battle a cancer diagnosis which is something we are proud to support her in. This week she's posting on a tough topic up for debate in the Christian world, changing her mind about skydiving, and sharing health benefits of sleep - which is one of Molly's favorite hobbies.
11. Margot of Joyfully Retired wanders the country with her husband in their RV and makes us jealous on a daily basis. For example, she has a recurring theme where she posts about her Favorite Places. This week she's showing us all about a part of Alaska we only know from an oil spill. She is also giving a review of a Cancer Survivor Memoir that interested us because so many we know have been touched by this disease. And much to our delight, she too is talking about Fast Times. You'll have to visit her to see if this grandmother rated it the same as child of the 80's Stacy did above.
12. Brenda of The Otherworld Diner is a contributor to a blog run by a group of paranormal romance writers and these authors let you get inside their heads to see what it is like to be a writer, the challenges they deal with, inspirations for their ideas and a guide through pieces of their process. Brenda provides the T13's and she loves to share quotes. Last week she promoted Library Card Week with quotes all about reading. We can't wait to see what gem she's got planned next.
13. Our Friends and Family. They don't have blogs (that we know of!) but they take the time to check in here, visit Molly's posts elsewhere, and have all kinds of supportive things to say to us in person, on the phone, via e-mail and on Facebook, in addition to leaving comments when they can because that's how they roll. And we're forever grateful for them.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!
Join The Fun And View More Thursday Thirteen Participants At The Host Site
hello! i was surprised to see my name on your list.. thanks so much...
You know, that is a whole lotta love packed into one post girl! Thank you so much for the kind words. Now my project for today is to check out all of these other sites that have rated with you!
This is one super post!!
My 13 is a mixture of funny and fact this week! I also started my 3rd year of October Halloween Treat hand outs on my blog to all the 'visitors' [trick r treaters] who stop by! Come on over!!!! [You'll need to scroll down a bit below my Thursday Thunks Meme entry to view my 13] Happy day to you....see you at my October Abode!
Great list!
Happy TT!
Awww! I am touched to be included on your list. I think each award you've won is well-deserved. Thanks for starting my day on such a good note. You're both awesome!
oooh a LOTR blog! Going to check that out!
Thank you so much! And what a great idea! I never know what to do with awards since most people already got them but you came up with a wonderful solution!
Lots of cool blogs on your list!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Lots of cool blogs on your list!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
You deserve your awards, 'cause you're just the nicest blogger around :) Thanks for the nice thoughts.
I was talking to my Asheville potter son on the phone the other day and he seemed distracted and not listening. I said, "What are you doing reading the newspaper? You're reading about the Red Sox aren't you?" He was!
I get all the different awards mixed up after 4 years of blogging.
Nice set of award. Congrats to everyone who won!
You are do sweet, completely deserving of every award. Thanks so much for your kind words, sister :) I feel tha same way about you. I know most of these blogs, but not all. I'm going to be checking them out now.
What a lovely 13! Now I'm off to check on some of these other bloggers.
Calico Contemplations
I'm giving you the Let's Be Friends Award... it's a little farther down my post!
Sorry, I just like giving out these awards all the time to share the love or reshare it if the case may be!!!! I am a silly goose!
You deserve all of these, and then some! Thank you for the kind words. You are ABSOLUTELY right about Sandy. There should be a special award just in her honor. Now to check out the many new faces!
that is a thoughtful T13 :)
13 for my 27
Hey those are some cool badges, congrats Molly!
Always nice to be thought of, especially by you, thanks. :)
Thank you for spotlighting my blog (and me). You know the feeling is mutual. Also, let me say congratulations on all your awards. You deserve every one of them. Your blog is one of the best I read.
I'm glad you liked my review of Fast Times. I had no idea it was a classic but I can see why it is.
Sorry to be late coming over here but we are running around Colorado with very little satellite coverage. Hopefully we're okay for a couple of days.
Thanks for the award and blog promotion! My post is up now: http://zemeks.blogspot.com/2009/10/thanks-bumbles-for-this-commenting.html
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