1. My boss' recovery from several life threatening medical issues
2. Another niece or nephew to spoil this Spring
3. Patient family down South waiting for an upcoming and long overdue visit
4. New blogging opportunities on LifeSnips
5. Continued support at UpTake
6. A rooting interest in baseball's post-season
7. Wise Football Gods who will surely crown GiselleWearsThePants as champion
8. Hockey at Fenway to ring in the New Year and more skating on the neighbor's rink
9. The online book community who recommend books to touch the soul and motivate the mind
10. The people who take the time to share a love of movies here
11. Awesome innovations in new cameras (hint hint Andrew)
12. People who step out from behind the blog and build relationships
13. Andy
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!
Join The Fun And View More Thursday Thirteen Participants At The Host Site
Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing. I love thankful posts! I too am thankful for books that touch the soul and motivate the mind.
Happy Close-To-Birthday, Molly!! You have many great things to be thankful for. I'll be heading into my 38th year next month.
happy Birthday...Nice of you to share that..... Happy T13. Mine is up too.
Happy Birthday, Molly. Hope you get that new camera you were hinting at. ;)
My Blog
Happy Birthday! Great post, it's always good to reflect and give thanks.
All great things to be thankful for!
Happy Almost Birthday and Happy TT!
Happy Birthday! May a new camera be in your very near future. I'd tell you that a week into 40 I miss 39; but I don't want to lie, may yours be much better than mine was.
Calico Contemplations
Well happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Molly! That is an excellent thankful list! Likewise, I am thankful for having you as a friend!
I ♥ BASEBALL!!! [the whole season, from Spring Training to the Fall Classic!]
Happy Birthday wish also, from me to Molly.
My Thursday 13 [scroll below my Thursday Thunks] post is now published. It's a fun quiz for you with a PRIZE I made to grab-- if you win!! If you have time....would appreciate your visit. Have a great day.
Great things to be thankful for! Happy Birthday, too.
I should have known you'd be a Virgo, same as me. Happy Birthday!
Happy T13!
Great TT! Happy Birthday!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Happy Birthday! 40s aren't bad :-)
I just listed mine all about dogs since I have had some great guest bloggers posting tales of dogs.
Hope you enjoy my list Doggy Thursday 13
Terry Kate
Romance in the Backseat
Happy Birthday, Molly! Hope you get that new camera, more blogging gigs, and more books to touch the soul. 39 is a wonderful age (I have been it for some time now ;) )
How many blogs do you have?
Have a great birthday and may you stay 39 for a long time.
happy birthday :)
hope you get your camera soon :D
13 signs he's not into you
Belated Happy Birthday, Molly. I'm thankful for #12 too.
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