Colleen @ Loose Leaf Notes recently posted her version of a clever little meme that we thought would be perfect to entertain you while we are taking a break over Thanksgiving with family in CT. So here's how it works. We each share 10 things about ourselves and you let us know if you have any of them in common with us. And oh yeah - one of them is a total fabrication. You've also got to guess which one from each of us is the lie. Ready? Here you go:
- I spent 7 years of my adult life with little to no reading of books.
- I have worked as a maid.
- I have had the Chicken Pox twice.
- I have broken up over the phone twice.
- I have had a recipe blogged about by someone else.
- I skipped more classes in school than there were days available for detention.
- I am a supreme fire builder.
- I won a downhill ski race.
- I have gotten my car stuck on top of a concrete wheel stop.
- I have stopped a shoplifter.
- I spent a large part of my life afraid of dogs.
- I have been publicly praised for my laundry folding skills.
- I have thrown a nutty in the back of a cop car.
- I have lived in the same state my entire life.
- I got to meet Stevie Ray Vaughn.
- I have held a conversation with a topless mother and daughter.
- I have had the same best friend my entire life.
- I have a connection to Red Sox ownership.
- I have called 911 by accident twice.
- I get squeamish watching hospital shows like ER.
So do you have anything in common with either of us? And can you guess each of our fibs? Tune in tomorrow for the reveal.
I got a car stuck in a ditch and I am afraid of dogs I don't know. I think Andy's lie is his mad laundry skills. I don't think Molly lies :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hmmm...I once stalled a car in the middle of a toll booth. I agree with Kaye about Andy's laundry folding skills. And I bet Molly makes a killing playing poker! (I vote 6 or 7, because I can't imagine #1 ;) )
Regardless, a very happy Thanksgiving to you both!
oh Hi - I landed here via my fab friend at Daisys Dead Air.
Other than going to a Stevie Ray Vaughn concert, I have only one thing in common with Molly and with Andy, both their item 7.
Having been a Girl Scout I understand and am proficient in setting a great fireplace for winter warmth.
and my current best friend has been so since we were both 5 years old.
I don't believe Molly read no books for 7 years, but it seems too weird to have been made up.
Andy's fib is easy to pick: the topless mother daughter thing is clearly a weird fantasy you bad boy.
will tune in for next episode of this.
I am afraid of dogs, was a good downhill skier, never read books
I think that is about it!
What a fun meme! I'm guessing Molly read little or no books for 7 years during her adult life. (sounds strange, but that would be me at one point as well).
Amd, I'm doubting that Andy threw a "nutty" in a police car/ LOL
Happy Thanksgiving
Andy's dad and sister enjoyed this post. We think Molly is lying about breaking up over the phone--she is too straight forward. We also think that Andrew is lying about the topless mother-daughter thing. Never heard that story, but if true, would love to hear it.
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