Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ON FUN ~ Tasty Brews...

Edition #3

Thirteen Things about THE BUMBLES...

and Andy's tasty brews of choice (Molly is not qualified since she drinks Miller Lite which is not technically a "real" beer)

1. Harpoon IPA

2. Magic Hat #9

3. Guinness

4. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

5. Newcastle Brown Ale

6. Yuengling Traditional Ale

7. Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA

8. Longtrail Ale

9. Ommegang Hennepin

10. Woodstock Inn Brewery Red Rack Ale

11. Stone Coast 420 IPA

12. Bass Ale

13. ICE COLD Budweiser on a super hot summer day (concession to Molly)

    Post YOUR Thursday Thirteen and get the code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!


    bernieg1 said...

    I am not a drinker. But for those who are I am quite sure they will find this TT informative. I myself enjoyed reading about these beers and or ale's. Happy TT.

    My TT is up 13 Things to Consider before Hiring

    Ingrid said...

    Hic !
    Did you know that in Belgium there are over 1000 beer sorts ?

    Jen said...

    Great list! We love to find funky little breweries to tour when we are on vacation!

    Anonymous said...

    I can see we have similiar tastes. I also love a good doppelbock.

    Anonymous said...

    Nice to see Newcastle Brown there!

    SandyCarlson said...

    You are people of good taste. Lovely!

    ~Just Me Miranda~ said...

    Great list! too bad I'm not a beer drinker. LOL.

    ShannonW said...

    Very interesting list. I dont drink beer or ale but I know folks that do.

    Anonymous said...

    Great TT! Though I'm a Bitburger gal. Don't know if my TT will interest you though, it's 13 uses for breastmilk-another great beverage LOL!

    Anonymous said...

    What? No Moose Drool? Harmph.

    Nina said...

    I like that... my husband would enjoy that list. The only one on there I like is the Bud but my has to be lite. I just can't stomach the dark ones.

    Anonymous said...

    I haven't drank for many moons but the only beer that didn't gag me to smell or taste was Little Kings. I liked mixed drinks.

    Aly @ Lip Zip said...

    I'm a boring teetotaler but it was fun to read your list because I have never heard of a lot of those!

    Danica Favorite said...

    What a fun variety.

    Mary said...

    I don't drink beer at all, but this is an impressive list! I wouldn't be able to keep them all straight.

    Katrina said...

    My husband would enjoy that list...he loves a good brew. Living here in WI, we enjoy lots of local microbrews...and try to avoid the mass produced stuff like Miller. Personal faves you should try if you're ever in WI are Sprecher and New Glarius. ;)

    Anonymous said...

    I am a Miller Lite girl myself. Although on occasion I like a Blue Moon with a slice of orange...

    Happy TT and thanks for stopping by and commenting at my place! Sorry it has taken so long for me to reciprocate!