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1. Our Header & Background - Yes we know, it is very lame and blah. We're not techies here or anything ya know! Seriously, this is what Blogger gave us to work with and we're just too lazy and cheap to go looking for better options elsewhere. So we try to make up for it by making the posts themselves visually attractive and interesting. 2. As CCR should have sung, "There's A Sidebar on the Right." - Jackpot! A wealth of information - all you need to know really - can be found on our Sidebar. Consider it your directory to our blog. Keep reading for a quick overview. 3. Meet The Bumbles - This is the "About Us" section where you get to read what we want to share with you about who we are. Did you ever notice that no one ever shares any bad habits here? 4. Memes We Play - This is where we pimp the weekly events we take part in and a link to where you can go find even more that might be of interest. Here is your guide to what and when we are posting about these things. Love music but hate books? Stop by Fridays and skip Tuesdays. 5. Can't Get Enough Of The Bumbles - This is where anyone electing to Follow our blog shows up. We had no idea one could actually follow a blog until one day Sherry @ Nite Swimming showed up on our Dashboard as a Follower. After we realized this was not the blog equivalent of stalking, but actually a nice thing, we added this little gadget to give props to our groupies. 6. Labels - Here is the archive of all our posts. Saves you the trouble of having to scroll through all the actual posts to find the ones you want. Say you had lots of time on your hands and really wanted to catch up on Gym Rats, this is where you would find them all in one place. 7. What's On Our DVR - Uh, this is pretty self explanatory actually. Just a more exciting way to show you dear readers what quality programming and guilty pleasures we watch. So for example, if you were a Lost addict too you could let us know and we could share theories about the Island and where it went and who's really in charge and what's with the time travel...or not - sorry. 8. Favorite Links - Probably the least popular feature of the Sidebar in general. Does anyone ever really read these links, much less visit them? They're really there more for our convenience. But they do tell a little story about where we go on the web when we're not here. You could always click on one of the radio station links for some sound to accompany your perusing of our blog. 9. Molly's Recent Reads - This little widget (see how we worked in that tech vocabulary?) is really quite neat. It could be a little larger but it shows you shelves of the books Molly has recently read which you can page through and the ratings she has given them. If you are a member of Goodreads (which every bookworm really should be) then you can click here to read Molly's thoughts on these books. But be forewarned - that site is like crack for book junkies. 10. Netflix Queue - Netflix doesn't have any cool widgets (showing off again dropping the tech speak) so this extremely lame visual will have to do. It shows you a small sample of the movie titles we've most recently added to our queue for future viewing. Perhaps it will inspire you to share a review if you've seen one of the ones listed. 11. Favorite Place - If we weren't blogging we'd be here right now. Well - we'd be there between April and October. The rest of the time it is covered in snow so during those months we just stare at this picture and dream of next year. 12. Travelogue - We took an old handwritten list that we've been keeping for years and spent quite a bit of time re-creating it here. This is a list of every place we've been or would like to go. Each listing connects you to a link about the location and how to plan a visit. This is another section that is probably more of interest and use to us, but if you ever find yourself wondering what Machu Picchu is like we've got a link for you. 13. Bloggers Taking The Time To Visit Us - This is our version of the Blog Roll. Anyone who leaves a comment on our blog gets added to this section. This is where we keep track of all of you and go to get a quick glimpse into your blogs and current posts. We love our visitors and this is our launching pad to your world. And that concludes our tour -thank you for coming! If you care to leave a comment, know that you will be listed here and that we will come take a self-guided tour of your blog some day. The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! |
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
ON FUN ~ Right This Way...
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Wow! I discovered something new about your blog, alright! I never knew you had #13 until I scrolled all the way to the bottom! Great list! Happy TT!
Because you made the list, I took the tour. I especially like your list of places to visit. It looks like you need to take a month and come out west to see some of the sites. Do it in April, that's when the desert blooms, before the heat and flashfloods, but after the snow.
LOL That was great! I really enjoyed your list!! You have a genuinely great writing style!
Happy TT :)
Cute list. Happy TT!
Not up for my TT yet, but LOVE yours!! Oh, yeah... hehe Award for you at myplace! Please pick it up
Morning Everyone!
Thats cool, good to see that you are having adventures! I have a little hint and tip to add to you list! When I was away in my gap year (about 3 years ago now) I went back packing around New Zealand and Australia with a few mates, had such a wicked time! However, being so far away from home and other friends, and family was pretty tough going, I missed not being able to just call them whenever I wanted. However, whenever I had the chance I would go into an internet cafe and use the computers to e-mail, and send electronic greetings cards. Since I was away for a good few months I knew I would miss out on mates birthdays, so I would send an e-Card for their birthday. I found this such a good method of sending a birthday card when abroad. I have found a really cool Free Happy Birthday Day e-Card site that I really like. This particular site has an awesome application where you can upload a photograph of yourself and incorporate it into your card. This is such a clever idea, and adds that personal touch, and as I already mentioned this particular site is totally free. I think e-Cards are definitely worth a try, they are not for everyone, but I am becoming a fan! Just wanted to share my findings! Happy Camping guys! Nicole x
I did learn a few things about you this morning! You guys definitely put some work into your sidebar! Don't feel bad about not being techies...every time I TRY to do something cute with my blog, it screws it all up. I am so lame. But we get credit for at least trying, right?
Thanks for the tour. Your blog is so much more interesting than mine is. Fun list. Happy T13!
Wow, you've spent a lot of time on your blog. It's a nice place to visit.
Leave the Netflix queue -- it's interesting. You'll enjoy Shaun of the Dead!
That's a cool idea for a T13. I might do something like that on my own blog once I get the new design up.
Oh, and I for one very often read the "favorite links" sections on blogs. I figure, if I like the blog author I might also like some of the sites that are his/her favorites. So as long as it's not a list with 500 entries I almost always have a look through it. Or maybe I just say that because I have such a section on my own blog, too. ;)
Way cool TT!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
So what did you think about Lost last night?!
ahahahahahahaha!! You have such a great sense of yourselves - how fun!
I love your blog! Thanks for the list and the tour.
Happy TT!
Great to meet you and yours, thanks for the info!
Very nice tour! I come here all the time and still learned some new things. :)
I love this list! Very creative.
Happy tt!
Wow! I think I now know my way around your blog better than I do my own!
Thank you for the great intro to your blog!
First of all, thanks for sending me a link to the meme. Secondly, that's a real informative list - you obviously put a lot of work into your blog (and in keeping up with your DVR watching - or is that pic just a selection).
Yours is in much better shape than mine. I broke my sidebar and don't know enough to be able to fix it.
thanks for the tour! that was fun. i'm with you on the not-very-tech-savvy thing. happy tt. :)
You thought I was stalking your blog - LOL!!!
OK, now you must come over and sign up to follow my blog.
Too funny!
I'm BaaAAAaaack! You inspired this week's WoW in Thornesworld
Excellent idea for a TT! I'm going to borrow this for my Urban Zoo!
I sent you an email in regards to Toronto. I hope you have a great trip :)
Oh my gosh, you guys are too funny! I woke up my dog laughing at #5!
Skip Tuesdays?! Not likely, I love Molly's teasers, that's how I found you in the first place. :)
P.S. The Bumbles Blog is one of my Fabulous Favourites:
Thanks for stopping by our blog, and for taking the time to talk about this blog.
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