We're not really sure how our freakin' CATS were given an award on OUR blog - but after stewing over the jealousy for a month we decided to go ahead and give them the forum that was requested. By allowing them to accept this auspicious award, they are supposed to write a post bragging about it, linking back to the name of the misguided soul who thinks they deserve such acclaim. Then they are to pass it along to blogs that are brilliant in content or design, but only after listing at least ten honest things about themselves. Welllll - since the kittens cannot (that we know of) create said post themselves, we get to reveal the honest truth for them.
1. Tedy & Lucy are brother & sister and were born in the wild. Molly's friend rescued them and they were so incredibly adorable that even Andy was snookered into allowing them into the house.

2. Tedy is named after Tedy Bruschi, a compact and tough linebacker for the New England Patriots, since he likes to barrel his way down the stairs and tackle things. He is also named after the Teddy Bear since his nose looked a little like a bear when he was small and he is very cuddly. Tedy is a much more masculine name than Sophie, which was his original name back when Molly & Andy were under the impression he was a girl!

3. Lucy is named after Lucille Ball's character in "I Love Lucy" because she is a little bit nutty and always getting herself into crazy predicaments. Her middle name is No - As in "Lucy! No!"

4. Tedy has always been the tagalong with Lucy first on the scene. She is most likely to greet you at the door while Tedy eventually shows up wondering what he's missing out on.

5. Tedy likes to chase the mouse - on the laptop. He also is interested in bookworms. He's the more creative of the two.

6. Lucy is a big sports fan. Football and hockey are two of her favorites.

7. Tedy's T.V. of choice is the fishtank. He traumatizes the fish on a daily basis.

8. The activity Lucy & Tedy engage in most often is traumatizing Andy & Molly with their destruction. They knocked over the X-Mas Tree which ruined the hardwood floor, they have broken countless sentimental fragile objects, turned on the gas stove burner and almost blew up the house, shredded plenty a roll of t.p., scattered packing peanuts up from basement storage all over the house, dragged grapes off the counter and chased their squished remains all over the floor, and made it impossible to keep plants of any kind in the house.

9. Which is why this Spring Andy is threatening to kick them out of the house now that they are big enough. Lucy has already escaped 3 times anyway.

10.Until then, Molly torments them with the Roomba vacuum cleaner.

11.Most of the time they torment each other though.

12.Andy did manage to teach Lucy to fetch. She loves to chase balled up paper torn off of, appropriately enough, the page a day "Bad Cat" calendar. And she brings it back to you over and over and over - just like a dog.

13.All that destruction, tormenting, fighting, and fetching leaves Lucy & Tedy the way we like them best...

We think the kittens would approve of our selection to pass this award along to Walter @ The Things Pets Do. Go visit his site - it is truly entertaining.

2. Tedy is named after Tedy Bruschi, a compact and tough linebacker for the New England Patriots, since he likes to barrel his way down the stairs and tackle things. He is also named after the Teddy Bear since his nose looked a little like a bear when he was small and he is very cuddly. Tedy is a much more masculine name than Sophie, which was his original name back when Molly & Andy were under the impression he was a girl!

3. Lucy is named after Lucille Ball's character in "I Love Lucy" because she is a little bit nutty and always getting herself into crazy predicaments. Her middle name is No - As in "Lucy! No!"
4. Tedy has always been the tagalong with Lucy first on the scene. She is most likely to greet you at the door while Tedy eventually shows up wondering what he's missing out on.

5. Tedy likes to chase the mouse - on the laptop. He also is interested in bookworms. He's the more creative of the two.

6. Lucy is a big sports fan. Football and hockey are two of her favorites.

7. Tedy's T.V. of choice is the fishtank. He traumatizes the fish on a daily basis.

8. The activity Lucy & Tedy engage in most often is traumatizing Andy & Molly with their destruction. They knocked over the X-Mas Tree which ruined the hardwood floor, they have broken countless sentimental fragile objects, turned on the gas stove burner and almost blew up the house, shredded plenty a roll of t.p., scattered packing peanuts up from basement storage all over the house, dragged grapes off the counter and chased their squished remains all over the floor, and made it impossible to keep plants of any kind in the house.

9. Which is why this Spring Andy is threatening to kick them out of the house now that they are big enough. Lucy has already escaped 3 times anyway.

10.Until then, Molly torments them with the Roomba vacuum cleaner.

11.Most of the time they torment each other though.

12.Andy did manage to teach Lucy to fetch. She loves to chase balled up paper torn off of, appropriately enough, the page a day "Bad Cat" calendar. And she brings it back to you over and over and over - just like a dog.

13.All that destruction, tormenting, fighting, and fetching leaves Lucy & Tedy the way we like them best...

We think the kittens would approve of our selection to pass this award along to Walter @ The Things Pets Do. Go visit his site - it is truly entertaining.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!
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They're wonderful!!! The part about their destructive tendencies reminds me of our Howie. He's a crime spree. Wait till they learn his trick of opening the dresser drawers and throwing your socks all over the bedroom.
Cats are great!!
How absolutely adorable!
I finally managed to get around to a TT. Sometime this evening I'm also planning my Kitten Rescue 911 story.
The Pink Flamingo
cute pics :)
aaaawwww they are beautiful! My two make messes for me too, but they always make me laugh.
Great idea for a list. My 13 is posted. Have a terrific Thursday.
Awwwwwww, Ted and Lucy are adorable!! I ♥ cats!!!!!!
Cute kitties, with a fun commentary.
Those darned animals! I am laughing all the way through this post, because I've got three of them inside my house that make me nuts (and one outside that leaves me body parts from various wildlife). I think this had to be one of my all time favorite posts.
Kitties are the cutest.
Great list! I'm not a cat person, but they are truly adorable. Happy T13!
Thank you so much for the award. Although now I'll brood over it for a month before posting my end of the deal.
And the plants, well all I can say is my cats do the same, so at least your cats aren't alone in their destruction. It's a cat thing to hate plants, apparently.
They are too cute!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
What fun cats you have. I think they deserved the award.
They're so cute :-)
I love cats! I have two I have to leave behind to move to S. Korea. Number 8 is the real truth of being a cat owner though. There is a photo down on my blog of a kitten I rescued with the chewed remains of my paycheck.
what cute little kitties!
What a great post. I love cats. My Chloe loves to play fetch, too. Balled up paper, toy mice, the plastic ring from the milk jug. If I throw it she'll retrieve it. Aren't they fun?
Oh! They are too cute! Great 13!
I am still laughing ! with these two you don't have time to get bored !
My cats all went out once they were 6 months old. But not all five do. Pookie and Rosie only go out from time to time, Lisa too, only Arthur and Kim are mostly out ! Except when the weather is bad of course !
You can see them on my cat blog, if you haven't been there yet.
They're so cute! I wish our cats were still so small (so they might not do so much damage, actually with these cats, it didn't make a difference really)
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
So cute ... but reminds me again why I don't have cats anymore!
Wow, they're so cute.
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