A while back, Wanda @ A Season To Read passed along the "You Don't Say" award to us which we thought was pretty awesome. It is given to recognize bloggers whose comments have made an impact on the blogs they visit. Now, we beg to differ that our comments make an impact - that's something we'd like to see Obama start doing for example. However, it is nice to be thanked for stopping by. As the award says, it takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment. We do this often because Bumbles are pretty friendly beasts. And lots of you have done the same for us here. So we thought we'd give some comment love in this Thursday 13 post to some of the ones we've received that caught our attention and pass the award along to the people who left them behind. See - you never know what could happen with those little comments you leave here!

1. In response to our last Monday Movie Meme question about what your first R rated movie was, Kaye left us this little nugget which made us laugh for a while: "Oh, I remember mine. I had been to a church dance with a young man. I was in a dress with a corsage. He decided he wanted to go to a movie. When we got to the theater it was R-rated. I wasn't old enough to get in without permission so he had to "give permission" for me to enter--needless to say I was so embarressed about the whole thing. And to top it all off the movie was 'Blazing Saddles.'"
2. Frequent visitor and thoughtful blogger Sandy had this helpful tip for Molly in response to her post about Andy's hockey playoff mustache: "Hmmm...well if its not all that bushy, you might be able to take care of it in a few swipes. I'm a moderate fan of hockey. We go once or twice a year to see a Tampa Bay Lightning game. But not enough to warrant facial hair. Just give him a few drinks one night, and take care of it Molly!" The 'stache is still hanging around just like the Bruins.
3. Wanda, the bestower of our award, shows herself to be an insightful commenter when she gave us this food for thought in response to a Teaser Tuesday about the book, "The Devil In The White City": "Hmmm ... I do wonder if murderers are born or raised and whether or not saying "I was born with the Devil in me" is actually a cop out for making a choice."
4. We like people who can admit their fears. The Ruby Canary did just that in response to our T13 about our wedding day: "That was sweet. Weddings scare me. I really don't want anything to do with them. I'm not sure where this comes from. So if you have invited The Ruby Canary to a wedding and they don't show up, don't take it personal.
5. Our RSS for Dummies post was not meant to imply that our readers were in fact dummies. Teddy Ree took it a step farther in insulting herself and complimenting us: "Awww thanks so much, I really needed the RSS explanation for morons and I finally get :-)" We know you are not a moron. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
6. We aren't big cooks (OK - Molly doesn't even know which appliance is the stove) so when Fire Fox left us this comment in response to our Monday Movie Meme looking for favorite movie snacks, it was a recipe right up our alley: "Sugar Babies, Raisinettes, Twizzlers... and ooohhhh buttered popcorn...YUM! Sometimes we'd make homemade snacks from whatever we could find in the cupboard (chunks of brownies mixed with peanut butter chips, M&M's, granola,raisins,peanuts). We still have an active summer drive-in theater (Wellfleet),which opens up a whole new angle on the concession business."
7. Speaking of recipes, Lynn has tons of good ones. But when she comes to visit she likes to talk baseball and made us all nostalgic with this one left in response to one of Molly's Ovah the Monstah posts about growing up with baseball: "This is fun reading about the beginnings of your obsession with baseball. Mine started much less auspiciously with all those hours my sister and I spent under the bleachers at the Little League field while our brothers played. We were not paying attention to the game but were looking for gum wrappers to add to our 30-feet-long gum chains. Do little kids even make gum chains anymore? I would so love that experience you described of turning down the volume of the game on tv or radio and hearing the actual, live roar of the fans."
8. Who doesn't love Alice Audrey? But she found a spot closer to our heart when she shared our sentiments very bluntly in her response to our Elevator Pitch post: "I hate mission statements. I keep thinking they should be right up my alley since I like goals, which often hinge on mission statements, but I still suck at them."
9. An Eerie Tapestry is a witty fellow, and his humor was on good display in this response to our T13 about things we grew up just fine without: "Our TV just had buttons for selecting channels (back then there were so few channels that we only needed three). Walking back and forth to the set was how I used to get all my exercise (I get it now by walking round looking for the remote)."
10. Priscilla usually has her nose stuck in a book, but her response to our Top 5 on Friday post about musical artists who shouldn't act was classic: "I don't think Jessica Simpson even counts as a "music artist." Poor thing."
11. As stated above, Molly does not cook. But Andy does, and every now and then he discovers a new yummy recipe. Margot got kudos for complimenting the chef in this response to his efforts with Mexican Chicken Stew: "This looks fantastic. I'm copying the recipe right now. Your Andy is a smart guy. Don't you just love men who can cook?" Molly sure does.
12. Molly used to post about the Gym Rats before she changed to a smaller gym where there are rarely people watching opportunities. Which is too bad because sharing Belly Girl was a lot of fun, and Aly's response was too: "Ooooooh! I like Belly Girl and I love the way you've written this. You're right too! How often do people see our bellies? At the beach if you're wearing a two piece but other than that, what does it matter if it pokes out? I don't plan on going on TV with my belly any time soon so I'm safe...off to eat a midnight snack to celebrate." A girl after our own heart.
13. And of course, the list wouldn't be complete without some total sucking up to Janet, our Thursday 13 co-host, who happened to leave these very true words of wisdom in response to our T13 Suggestion Box post: "I think you should blog about what makes you happy!" Smart lady, that Janet.
2. Frequent visitor and thoughtful blogger Sandy had this helpful tip for Molly in response to her post about Andy's hockey playoff mustache: "Hmmm...well if its not all that bushy, you might be able to take care of it in a few swipes. I'm a moderate fan of hockey. We go once or twice a year to see a Tampa Bay Lightning game. But not enough to warrant facial hair. Just give him a few drinks one night, and take care of it Molly!" The 'stache is still hanging around just like the Bruins.
3. Wanda, the bestower of our award, shows herself to be an insightful commenter when she gave us this food for thought in response to a Teaser Tuesday about the book, "The Devil In The White City": "Hmmm ... I do wonder if murderers are born or raised and whether or not saying "I was born with the Devil in me" is actually a cop out for making a choice."
4. We like people who can admit their fears. The Ruby Canary did just that in response to our T13 about our wedding day: "That was sweet. Weddings scare me. I really don't want anything to do with them. I'm not sure where this comes from. So if you have invited The Ruby Canary to a wedding and they don't show up, don't take it personal.
5. Our RSS for Dummies post was not meant to imply that our readers were in fact dummies. Teddy Ree took it a step farther in insulting herself and complimenting us: "Awww thanks so much, I really needed the RSS explanation for morons and I finally get :-)" We know you are not a moron. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
6. We aren't big cooks (OK - Molly doesn't even know which appliance is the stove) so when Fire Fox left us this comment in response to our Monday Movie Meme looking for favorite movie snacks, it was a recipe right up our alley: "Sugar Babies, Raisinettes, Twizzlers... and ooohhhh buttered popcorn...YUM! Sometimes we'd make homemade snacks from whatever we could find in the cupboard (chunks of brownies mixed with peanut butter chips, M&M's, granola,raisins,peanuts). We still have an active summer drive-in theater (Wellfleet),which opens up a whole new angle on the concession business."
7. Speaking of recipes, Lynn has tons of good ones. But when she comes to visit she likes to talk baseball and made us all nostalgic with this one left in response to one of Molly's Ovah the Monstah posts about growing up with baseball: "This is fun reading about the beginnings of your obsession with baseball. Mine started much less auspiciously with all those hours my sister and I spent under the bleachers at the Little League field while our brothers played. We were not paying attention to the game but were looking for gum wrappers to add to our 30-feet-long gum chains. Do little kids even make gum chains anymore? I would so love that experience you described of turning down the volume of the game on tv or radio and hearing the actual, live roar of the fans."
8. Who doesn't love Alice Audrey? But she found a spot closer to our heart when she shared our sentiments very bluntly in her response to our Elevator Pitch post: "I hate mission statements. I keep thinking they should be right up my alley since I like goals, which often hinge on mission statements, but I still suck at them."
9. An Eerie Tapestry is a witty fellow, and his humor was on good display in this response to our T13 about things we grew up just fine without: "Our TV just had buttons for selecting channels (back then there were so few channels that we only needed three). Walking back and forth to the set was how I used to get all my exercise (I get it now by walking round looking for the remote)."
10. Priscilla usually has her nose stuck in a book, but her response to our Top 5 on Friday post about musical artists who shouldn't act was classic: "I don't think Jessica Simpson even counts as a "music artist." Poor thing."
11. As stated above, Molly does not cook. But Andy does, and every now and then he discovers a new yummy recipe. Margot got kudos for complimenting the chef in this response to his efforts with Mexican Chicken Stew: "This looks fantastic. I'm copying the recipe right now. Your Andy is a smart guy. Don't you just love men who can cook?" Molly sure does.
12. Molly used to post about the Gym Rats before she changed to a smaller gym where there are rarely people watching opportunities. Which is too bad because sharing Belly Girl was a lot of fun, and Aly's response was too: "Ooooooh! I like Belly Girl and I love the way you've written this. You're right too! How often do people see our bellies? At the beach if you're wearing a two piece but other than that, what does it matter if it pokes out? I don't plan on going on TV with my belly any time soon so I'm safe...off to eat a midnight snack to celebrate." A girl after our own heart.
13. And of course, the list wouldn't be complete without some total sucking up to Janet, our Thursday 13 co-host, who happened to leave these very true words of wisdom in response to our T13 Suggestion Box post: "I think you should blog about what makes you happy!" Smart lady, that Janet.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!
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very smart list! :)
I like your list. It led me to Sandy whose blog I'm happy to discover. I'm sure there are lots more to discover. Thank you for the info. Happy Thursday.
And once again, the Bumbles rawk!!! Just look at all that love. I'm pleased to note that I pop in on all of these from time to time! (Because I, like the Bumbles, have excellent taste!)
Thanks for the award (have to admit that first time through I skipped all the others comments to see if I was included). Some good comments there. Have to admit that I've never heard of a gum chain (then again I'm not altogether sure what an R rated movie is either). Fire Fox's comment about movie snacks made me feel hungry. Loved Priscilla's summing up of Jessica Simpson.
My Amazing Egyptian Dude is a much better cook than I, even better -- he enjoys it, and I let him!
Great list!
Now that was a cool way to pay tribute to your award (one that I am personally proud of receiving!). I think I'm pretty good at going back and reading your responses, but apparently not! They are all classic!
What a fantabulous idea for a list!!!!! Awesome 13.
My 13 is posted. Either use the link provided at the top of my Thursday blog or scroll down to the bottom of the entry. It’s English for Dummies!…..fun. Have a great day.
LMAO awesome list, will have to censor my comments from now on, just in case they are used as evidence. Seriously the RSS explanation was something I'd wanted explained in non-tech terms for quite a while.
Very good idea to suck up to Janet. ;) Ha!
What a fun tribute to fellow bloggers. Thanks.
I love this because not much is said about the quality of comments. I DO so love a good one. And often I find myself saying things that I use later in posts. My last week's TT had two such examples.
Thanks Molly and Andy for the comment appreciation and for a fun-to-read blog.
Ok! You talked about food - which I seem to be obsessed with lately so I posted Forgive me, Father, for I have pigged out My 13 Favorite Sinful Foods.
BTW, if you like appetizers check out my blog: http://TinyFoodDiva.com - I've got a ton or easy "tiny food" recipes there!
Happy TT
What a great post. It made me luagh at work which is a most excellent thing :)
And I discovered a few blogs that are new to me.
Wonderful idea for a T-13 ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Somebody loves me? *blush, eyelash fluttering* I mean besides my dh.
Thanks for the spotlight. I'm honored.
Now I'm off to check out everybody else today.
Wow! What a good idea! I'll have to do that someday. I now have plenty of comments to post and I'd love to shine a light on some of my commenters. Happy Thursday!
Thursday 13 - edition 7
101 Things About Me
What a great idea! I might have to steal it somedsay ;)
Great post, guys, and I'm honored to be mentioned. Maybe my sister and I were the only gum chain-makers out there ;) I love coming over to read your blog. I never know what I'll find here -- talk about books, or movies, or music, or baseball. But it's always fun and entertaining. Your blog is one of my favorites. Keep blogging about what makes you happy!
thanks for mentioning me (very first) in your blog today. I hope your ears were burning as well--because I mentioned you in my blog too ;)
Thanks for the mention. It is true I'm a wedding-a-phobe.
I was hoping to make it in for Thursday Thirteen for my international plane ride, but didn't make it in time. It's Friday at 11pm at night here and we just got in about an hour ago.
See, it's posts like this and comments like you left on my blog Thursday, that had me passing on this award to The Bumbles in the first place.
Always happy to have you stop in ... and thanks a bazillion for being the first to arrive at my party, you sure knew how to get the games started!! ;)
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