Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Your Collection...
Last week, we asked you about how you watch movies. Quite a few of you shared how you watch from your own collection. So now we would like a glimpse into your collection of movies. Even if you don't have a physical collection to share, you must have some stored on the DVR, downloaded onto the laptop or ones that you rent over and over and over. We'll show you ours if you show us yours! Don't be shy - share on your blog and link back here at The Bumbles.
MOST VIEWED: Super Bowl XXXVI Champions - New England Patriots - OK, so technically this isn't a movie. But it is the most viewed DVD in our collection. We were so excited for the Patriots to win their first Super Bowl back in the winter of 2002, the underdog upset, the patriotic imagery after 9/11, the last second victory, the Cinderella emergence of future stud Tom Brady. But the real reason this is the most viewed is because shortly after we bought it, our DVD player went on the fritz and this was the ONLY one that it would play - without fail - every time. Our DVD player may have sucked, but at least it knew a good thing when it saw it.NEVER VIEWED: Beerfest - Can you blame us? Someone actually gave this to us - most definitely an illegal bootleg copy. We might as well make this disk into a coaster - although now that we've mentioned it I'm afraid Andy is going to dig it out. We also have a very large collection of Best Picture Oscar winning movies that are all on VHS, half of which we never got around to watching before technology went and changed on us. AFRAID TO ADMIT YOU OWN: Uh - that would also be Beerfest.GUILTY PLEASURE: Fast Times At Ridgemont High on DVD. From that dusty pile of VHS movies we have a boatload that would fit well in this category. Like Fletch or Revenge of the Nerds for example.MOST SHARED: The 40 Year Old Virgin - We have introduced this movie to more people than any other in our collection. We have talked about it ad nauseum, given it as a gift, brought it along on ski trips with friends, and loaned it out - in fact, I don't think it's been returned! Gotta work on that.WHY DID WE BUY THIS?: Used Cars. I hated that movie. Andy brought it home one day and told me it was a classic. It was such a classic in fact that he fell asleep when he popped it in for me to watch for the first time. Maybe that's why he doesn't realize it really isn't as good as he remembers.MOST TREASURED: Monty Python and The Holy Grail - Andy bought me the Collector's Edition Box one year for my birthday. Not only does it allow us to watch absurdity at it's finest whenever we want, but it has a booklet with the full screenplay and a little sliver of a still from the film that they claim is an extra super special limited edition Senitype. Whatever it is, it looks cool. I can hold all of the Knights of the Round Table, and their trusty servant Patsy, in the palm of my hand. WILDCARD: Here's a chance to spotlight anything you want from your collection. You might be under the impression that all we own are comedies. Well actually, that's pretty much it - other than the sports and music ones. So without further ado, I give you another great comedy selection from our collection...Diner. I spent many nights in college watching this movie, quoting this movie, laughing over this movie. I hardly watch it any more, but I like knowing that I can whenever I need a stroll down memory lane. It's like an old friend.
I will work on some kind of post about this for tomorrow, but Beerfest...one day not so very many years ago my husband and I decided we'd go out for lunch and then after we agreed to go to the theater and see whatever was playing after we got there, the very next movie...can you see where this is going? Well, we had no idea what Beerfest was, never heard of it. Maybe it was the non-existent expectations going in that made it a somewhat enjoyable hour and a half. For the record, neither of us drinks beer and we've never done the 'whatever is playing next is what we're seeing' again! Happy viewing :)
Beerfest? and whoever gave this to you thought this was a good present? I hope they have been disowned LOL
You have a Monty Python Collectors edition *drool* so jealous.
I finally got my act together and I am participating for the first time this week. My meme is here
LOL this is interesting! I have to go over my dusty shelves for some of these. Let me get back on you once my posty is up!
Jeez, you are making us work for this one! However, it IS a great way to see everyone's eclectic tastes! I can't say that I've seen Beerfest, but I am equally as embarrassed over my Buns of Steel.
here is my post for this week. I've never heard of Beerfest, but have a feeling that it wouldn't be my thing :P
This was so much fun to do my post is at Three Different Directions. My husband is coveting your Monty Python Collector's Edition by the way.....
Just finished my post. This one really made me think! It's hard for me to choose favorites among my DVDs, so some of my responses surprised even me. :)
What a great meme!
Mine's Here: http://missysbooknook.blogspot.com
Hi! I'm meme-ing this week. This was a tough one. Hope you enjoy mine: http://bearswampreflections.blogspot.com/2009/06/susans-monday-movie-meme.html
I also had to really think about this. Most of our movies are kids' movies but some of those are pretty good as well.
The two that I have and love are Pulp Fiction and A Few Good Men.
I also had to drop some of the categories since we have so few movies to choose from. I finally did my own meme at my place.
I hope I make you proud with my effort :)
This was really hard to do!!
My entry
My kids loved Monty Python as well, I was glad when they got over it :) fun post. my Monday movie
All right,
Beerfest is by no means my favorite movie, but it certainly is not the worst thing I have ever seen.
The DVD that I take everywhere with me as a substitute teacher is Nacho Libre. And if anyone wants to argue its greatness I will feed you some cinema studies, film critique mat- :[
That is supposed to be a tough face.
I am writing my blog entry right now.
Terry Kate
here's my entry for this week. http://lulu-bitz-and-pieces.blogspot.com/2009/06/movie-meme-show-us-your-collection.html
Finally done with mine. A bit late but here goes:
Inlove with Daisies
I LOVE the scene in 40yr old virgin where he gets waxed...ROFLMAO!
I love this meme! I love movies so this is perfect! I will be joining in on the fun!
Lets go Red Sox!
Loved this meme! Movies are an awesome form of entertainment.
The Holy Grail (and the Life of Brian) are my FAVORITES! My kids can quote from them. We named our cat Tim (the shrubber, I believe)
after a character in the movie.
Beerfest? Ummm,maybe not.
Cute post.
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