1. Molly has a degree in Elementary Education.
2. She works in Finance.
3. Andy has a degree in Building Construction Technology.
4. He works in Construction.
5. Molly has had the same boss for 16 years. He's one of the good ones.
6. Andy has had the same boss for 11 years. He's another keeper.
7. Andy spent many years working nights, weekends and traveling out of town as his boss' business was starting out. Molly was not pleased.
8. Andy now has normal hours and travels very little. Molly is very happy.
9. Molly's weakest subject was Math and she works with numbers every day.
10. Andy's weakest subject was Physics - but he is not a rocket scientist.
11. Molly found she enjoys what she does because she learns something new every day, gets to help people reach their dreams and has a boss who considers her a member of his family.
12. Andy is lucky in that he gets to do what he always intended to do - and he still enjoys it because he is part of a small, close knit team finding success together through the good and the bad.
13. After all those years on the job we've finally found a way to put some of that knowledge to use in our lives - Molly positioned enough pennies properly to be put to use when Andy finally gets around to repairing the old garage shed - Yay Jobs!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!
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It is so funny how it worked out that Andy is working his life's plan and Molly is doing something totally different and unexpected. #13-That's awesome!!
Happy TT!
Thanks for sharing the 13 things. Sounds like you are in a good place in your lives!
great idea for a list :)
What was it Lennon said about life... It's what happens when you are making plans (or something like that). I love the comment about math too ;)
I think you are one of the lucky ones...you are actually satisfied with your work life! How many people can say that? I imploded five years ago and about landed myself in a mental ward with my job.
I think it is hilarious that Molly didn't like math but works with numbers! That was the story of my life! I HATED math, but ended up a CPA! Ironic, eh?
You are both truly blessed to love your jobs and your employers. That is almost unheard of nowadays.
Happy T13!
Good info!
How fabulous that both of you have found long lasting employment and good bosses.
Calico Contemplations
My toughest was Geometry! Ewwwww. Now someone that has trouble with Physics I can relate to.
My Thursday 13 is Halloween Themed jokes...come on over for some laughs. [You'll find it below my Thursday Thunks...scroll down a bit.]
Click HERE
I'm mostly retired but working more than I ever have at writing. I've been unleashed. I also do part time foster care respite for providers of the disabled, pays more than writing.
Glad to hear you like your jobs.
Life is funny in the way things turn out. It sounds like you both are right where you are meant to be.
Molly and I have a lot in common: I also have an education degree and suck at math yet my dayjob is bookkeeping for our hardware store and the slosest I get to schoolkids is volunteering one hour a week at my son's school.
It's funny how things don't always go as planned in life, isn't it?
Great TT! I have a degree in elementary education, too, then decided teaching wasn't for me! LOL!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
13 interesting things I didn't know about the Bumbles
It is wonderful that you are both engaged in work that you enjoy and are good at. That, to me, is the definition of success.
Well, I have a degree in English Ed and my husband one in Finance. And, yes, he always knew he wanted to be a prtfolio manager. Both of our guys are living their dreams :)
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