Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Romance...
Today is our wedding anniversary. So since we've already recently covered Wedding films, we thought that instead we'd focus on the emotion of love, which is what drives a marriage after all. But most of us don't get to experience the type of love and romance that is portrayed in the movies. If you could live any movie's love story, which one would it be? Here's Molly's pick. Share your response on your blog and then link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
I get a lump in my throat if I even see the image from the movie poster. Sweet, adorable Lloyd Dobler hoisting a boom box over his head while standing in the rain in front of Diane's house, playing Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" and letting them speak for his broken heart as she is tormented by the reminder of their song and the poor decision she made to dump her one true love. *sigh*
For a long time I was head over heels for John Cusack because of his role as Lloyd. I just could not believe that someone could play that part so convincingly without having some of the same qualities inside. I have no idea if he does or not, but forever after I compared all guys to his portrayal of Lloyd. I wanted to find someone who would say that all they wanted to do for a living was to make me happy because they were good at it, just like Lloyd told Diane's father. I wanted someone to never give up on me, even if I made idiotic decisions. Lloyd's pure devotion to Diane led me to believe that there were guys like that in the world. It made me set a high standard for myself and taught me that if someone like that gives you their heart, don't ever - EVER - give them a pen. Recognize the goodness that exists for you and tell them you love them and never let them go.
And so after escaping from a relationship with a real jerk of a guy, I realized one day that a very good friend of mine named Andy wanted nothing more than to date me. And so I agreed. And I never gave him a pen - though I threatened to a thousand times while waiting year after year for him to propose. But then one dreary day, he brought me a dozen roses with the red ribbon threaded through a diamond ring. And he played me a selection of our songs on the CD player to act as a proposal playlist. And I said yes. Because I recognize a Lloyd Dobler moment when I see one.
For a long time I was head over heels for John Cusack because of his role as Lloyd. I just could not believe that someone could play that part so convincingly without having some of the same qualities inside. I have no idea if he does or not, but forever after I compared all guys to his portrayal of Lloyd. I wanted to find someone who would say that all they wanted to do for a living was to make me happy because they were good at it, just like Lloyd told Diane's father. I wanted someone to never give up on me, even if I made idiotic decisions. Lloyd's pure devotion to Diane led me to believe that there were guys like that in the world. It made me set a high standard for myself and taught me that if someone like that gives you their heart, don't ever - EVER - give them a pen. Recognize the goodness that exists for you and tell them you love them and never let them go.
And so after escaping from a relationship with a real jerk of a guy, I realized one day that a very good friend of mine named Andy wanted nothing more than to date me. And so I agreed. And I never gave him a pen - though I threatened to a thousand times while waiting year after year for him to propose. But then one dreary day, he brought me a dozen roses with the red ribbon threaded through a diamond ring. And he played me a selection of our songs on the CD player to act as a proposal playlist. And I said yes. Because I recognize a Lloyd Dobler moment when I see one.
Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
I seem to recall that "Truly, Madly, Deeply" really epitomized true romance, but I can't vouch for it since I totally forgot everything but the title!
I agree about the pen though, and I would add: envelopes. Forget envelopes as a gift. (And by the way, do you remember the wonderful scene in White Castle when James Spader gives Susan Sarandon a vacuum?)
Oops! Make that "White Palace"!!!
"Say Anything" is definitely on the top of my list...glad you found your Lloyd Dobler!
happy anniversary!! :D
My all time favorite romantic movie is up!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Thanks for sharing your "Say Anything" moment. Don't remember much about the film, but love that Gabriel song!
Hope there is another Lloyd Dobler moment in the works for today.
And I'm sorry about the Sox. Truly.
Happy Anniversary! Have a great day today. my Monday movie
Happy Anniversary!
My entry is up
That is quite an amazing scene, I must admit. I have always love Cusak (I think it may have even started before this movie), and I have always been a MASSIVE fan of Peter Gabriel. But of course I had to sit and think through the numbers and the impact...which movie almost defined me in my younger, impressionable years? Which one did I see at least 30 times and knew the lines by heart? Come and see...
Am I the only person here that has never seen "Say Anything"? OK, I'll have to rent it.
Happy Anniversery!
Here is Mine
I remember John Cusack here is holding a cassette recorder. That was heavy, well compared to today's iPods. I love Ione Skye too in this movie.
Awwwww, here's to you, Molly, for recognizing the moment of a lifetime!
I'm a huge John Cusack fan too, and was quite in love with him for a while. It's all that nervous energy and earnestness, I think.
Happy anniversary!!! I liked Say Anything too. Murphy's Romance is one I've seen a ton of times.
Happy Anniverversary! Here is my definite choice.
Hey Molly, I did a True Romance post!
I'll be putting mine up later today, but I just love Say Anything! What an excellent movie! Happy Anniversary and am also glad you found your Lloyd Dobler!
Oh, that is so sweet!! Happy Anniversary!
I have also been a long-time John Cusack admirer. I had pictures of him on my MySpace page - my husband would say "Cusack? I just don't get it..." and shake his head. LOL
Actually, I would kinda like to live YOUR love story. Very romantic, and sweet. However, I'm now comforting myself with visions of Hugh Grant dancing in my head.
PS My condolences on yesterday's game. Sincerely.
I hope you have a wonderful anniversary!! Ours is coming up on Saturday.
I've posted my answer (I only cheated a little). John Cusack made my list too. Oops, did I say list?!
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! You guys are the best to think of us here in blog world on your day. Say Anything is a fantastic movie! My husband had me watch this movie with him when we first started dating. We have watched it many times since. Great choice!
I decided to participate but it was hard to chose just one movie...I went the comedy roye with romance because my husband and I both think laughter is very important in a marriage!
Here" mine:
True Romance
Sweet story about you and Andy. And now I gotta go get this movie :)
Here's mine! my link text
Happy anniversary!!!! My apologies for not playing this week- I'm not feeling very well.
I love the movie Say Anything. Still like that Peter Gabriel song from it. Every time I hear it I think of being in college and seeing that movie with a date I didn't like very much. But I did like the movie. Is that enough?
Happy anniversary!
Um...what is my favorite romantic movie(s)?
Singing in the Rain. While You Were Sleeping. 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Showboat. Pillow Talk.
This is my first entry for Monday Movie Meme. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet tale of romance - I am envious! My submission can be found at http://cricket51.wordpress.com/2009/10/12/monday-movie-meme-true-romance/
Happy Anniversary Andy and Molly.
My choice would be Officer and a Gentleman.
Awww..Happy Anniversary darlings.
ps. I love the line in Say Anything when they ask how Lloyd got Diane Court to go out with him and he simply replies:
I'm Lloyd Dobler.
Belated happy anniversary.
That's a terrific scene. I was way too busy procrastinating to do this meme on Monday, but Beauty and the Beast springs to mind, partly because it's my favourite love story type movie, partly because a beautiful book-reading girl coming into a loner's life and suddenly there's something there that wasn't there before seems vaguely reminiscent of what's happened in my real life, partly because I've always had a desire to own singing cutlery.
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