Feature Presentation...
Molly looked around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Go to your blog and create your own post on the topic, linking back to us in your post, then come back and leave a link to your post here in our Comments section. If you don’t have a blog, just share your response in the Comments section.
This week's movie topic is all about Documentaries You'd Like To See Made...
We recently watched Murderball - a documentary about wheelchair rugby. Fascinating stuff - both about the sport and the people in the chairs. We are big fans of documentaries, probably because a talented filmmaker could turn virtually any topic into a movie that was interesting, entertaining and educational. They don't all succeed but the variety out there is amazing. Still, there are some ideas that we'd love to see a documentary about that we don't think have been done yet. Here are some of Molly's ideas. Share on your blog topics that you wish someone would make a documentary about and link back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
Three Cups of Tea - This is a non-fiction book by Greg Mortenson which tells how he came to make the promise to a poor Pakistani village in the middle of nowhere that he would build them a school. He made good on that promise and heads up a foundation building schools throughout Pakistan and Afghanistan for parents to have an option other than facilities built by terrorists recruiting their children. The schools have a special focus on ensuring that girls receive a quality education as well. It would be great if someone would follow Greg around with a video camera for just a month and turn that footage into a documentary to spread the word of his good work.Plight of the Library - It would be terrific to see a documentary all about libraries, how they came into existence, how important they are in our communities, the services they can and do provide, and the impact to us if they disappear for lack of funding.Behind the Photos - The Boston Globe has a feature on their website showing one of their photographer's collections. Next to each photo there is an explanation from the picture's subject of what they were thinking when that particular moment was frozen in time. It would be interesting to see a documentary of famous photos and interviews with the subjects telling the story behind the moment captured.Life of a Maid - Having worked briefly as a maid, I know how sucky a job that can be. But you are privy to some private details. A documentary about maids - in hotels, in homes, for the rich and for the average - might be pretty entertaining. Why do they do it? Worst discoveries? Best surprises? Secrets kept? Do you have a topic to suggest to the Monday Movie Meme? Leave it in the Comments section or send us an e-mail.
What a cool idea! I hope the folks from Sundance check this out. You've got some great suggestions here.
I've added one of my own, too.
OMG, you guys are killing me! But because I love you both, I got something down, even though it isn't all that creative...
Some good ideas -- I'd watch the library and the maid movies.
I enjoy documentaries. You've picked some good subjects. I would like to see one about libraries too. I don't think I could work as a maid--I get too much of it every day just around the house :) my Monday movie
Yikes! I don't read much nonfic, so I'll have to think on this, but I would definitely watch something on libraries.
Yeah a really great idea...hmmm....I think a documentary on me would be totally awesome...my life of blogging, raising a little boy, and reading and watching Hulu, with a bit of cooking and very little cleaning going on! It would be fantastic! ;))
Life of a Maid will really be interesting...
My entry is up
Wow, great idea! You are so creative! I am going to have to think about this for a bit. I am happy you liked Murderball. I haven't seen it yet but want to. I think a documentary on libraries and on maids is a great idea. I bet both would reveal things we never thought of. Maids definitely have some majot secrets!
I love the idea of the Behind the Photo and the Maid idea. I would devour that Maid movie....soooo interesting :)
I think they should do something on Behind the scenes in Social Work.
I know it's a touchy subject but it is insane the crap that goes on. I worked as a social worker for the mentally ill for three years out of college.
Also, a Behind the Music type docu..on greatest songs of our time and the influences behind the writers of those. What were they thinking? Or Who were they thinking of when they wrote it.
I love documentaries. Can't get enough of them. Hubs is not a big fan so I have to fit them in during soccer and tennis seasons when he's off coaching :)
I'd like to see a doc about the first year of oncologists. Seems like this is one of the most challenging specialties in medicine. I imagine the first year is something else.
I L O V E documentaries.
Those are all great suggestions. And considering how sucky most movies are, I hope some bored producer is reading your post and learning!
I think a documentary on the behind the scenes workings in a hotel (including the maids) would be really interesting.
Murderball sounds interesting.
I am very late today. I have decided I am not going to bed until my Google Reader is empty. Only 145 to go and it's only 1:11 am. Maybe a documentary about a crazy insomniac?
not much for me this time...
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