New Feature Presentation...
Molly has been looking around for a weekly meme about movies and did not have any luck. So therefore she decided to start her own! Andy will play along as well - hopefully you will too. Leave a link to your blog post where you’ve shared your response or, if you don’t have a blog, share your response in the comment section at the end of this post.
This week's movie topic is all about Second Chances...
What sequels do you think were better than the original? Andy doesn't think much of anything surpasses the original (certainly not Fletch Lives). Molly came up with a few examples - in chronological order:
- The Godfather: Part II (1974)
- Road Warrior (1981) Andy came up with one after all
- Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
Hmmm. Most of those I can no longer remember which I prefer. I am bad at this. At first I think I tend not to watch a lot of sequels and that I don't get to see many movies at all lately, but I did just watch the 3rd pirates of the Caribbean and Spiderman 3 so that discounts both of those...
I only saw the 1st Spiderman and haven't seen any of the Pirates from beginning to end - only pieces here and there when one of them is on TV - they all looked good though - which is rare.
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