Kristen @ Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker and Mo @ Inside Mo's Mind have been very kind to us this week by passing along this lovely "Lemonade Award" to us. This one is particularly sweet since it represents bloggers who show good attitude or gratitude.
Perhaps Kristen & Mo aren't aware of all the poor people we pick on in our Gym Rats posts - hmmmm. In any event, we do try to stay positive over here in the Bumbles world and would like to introduce you to the following blogger who we most admire for turning lemons into lemonade:
Trish @ My Little Drummer Boys
If you have never visited Trish over in Australia and read about her life you should go do that now. She epitomizes this award - and she has an awful lot of fun and insightful things to say. Go visit her and her family that she is so proud of.
Technically we think we are supposed to list 10 blogs but we decided to dole it all out to Trish instead. She can pass it along to however many deserving blogs she likes ;0)
Hi - I wasn't sure how else to contact you so I'm leaving a comment here - I think you're a regular visitor at my blog Inventing My Life and last week Feedburner started giving me all sorts of problems, basically nothing has come through on a feed since last week. I re-burned it, so if you unsubscribe and then resubscribe you should get all the posts you might have missed! Thanks!
Well, you guys are on a roll! You so totally deserve this award. You make me laugh, and never mind the Gym Rat comments...you keep them anonymous, right?
LoL...Hey! *I'm* aware of the Gym Rats...it's okay tho; you never name names!!
Have a great week, y'all!
Just found you thru The Gal Herself at One Gal's Musings. The Lemonade Stand was my very first blog award. Congratulations on yours! I'm really enjoying your blog.
You've been Happy Tagged! See my post here:
thank you so much I am humbled and grateful.
Ps In my excitement I forgot to say congratulations to you too - I enjoy reading your blog.
I am just catching up on my feed reads. January has been so very busy.
have you seen the new meme 365 Days of Grace in small things ?
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